Chapter Ten: Catch Your Breath

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A week later, no changes were made obvious. Magnorites and humans alike shivered at Malakai's name, people were tense, and Igneous found himself too guilty to walk the streets, and too nervous of possible repercussions.

Holly and Kaius seemed to be the only ones trusted outside. Senn was observed like a hawk and it made him incredibly uncomfortable. Quartz was seen as an accomplice to Malakai's assassination. He had become quiet since the people labelled him as a threat. Igneous had to assume Quartz was captive in his thoughts.

As Igneous sat inside the small enclave with Senn and Quartz, he found the worst part was the guilt. Yes, Malakai deserved it, but Igneous still felt..wrong. It was as if the choice was forced, not conscious. Something inside him had made the decision, not his whole self and it had terrible repercussions, not only on his friends and acquaintances but on his people.

"Igneous, are you alright?" He was drawn from his thoughts. Looking back at Senn, who was right behind him, he noticed the worry painted in his expression. Igneous nodded slowly, noticing Quartz trying to relax on the floor, a couple feet away from the long table they had set up.

"Yes... I'm ok." Igneous responded, his words jumbled out heavily. "I just feel guilty for what I've done."

"Guilty for killing Malakai?" Senn asked. His voice was quiet and he took on a position of giving in, as to not startle Igneous.

"Yes, I know he deserved it.... But some part of me wanted none of this..." Igneous responded.

Senn shrank down more, unable to force a response through his lips. Igneous was clearly gone in another realm, staring into his thoughts while Senn couldn't help him.

"I feel like I'm a monster." Igneous said, breaking himself from his void. Those words made Igneous recall the way Malakai's lifeblood flowed from the wounds Igneous had inflicted, like the lava in K'arthen's volcanoes.

The guilt was ripped from its roots for something new, something fresh, a slight hope that Malakai's death would mark the beginnings of a better time. Perhaps Igneous could soon gain traction in K'arthen, leading the Magnorites to fight against Vraleus.

And soon enough, Cydonia would follow, seeing that the Magnorites had changed focus. The two would become one, and their forces would turn the tides, like the war before. Then the war would end with a whimper, Vraleus would fall to his knees, and Cydonia and K'arthen would pat each other on the back--

"Igneous, are you alright?" Senn had regained his strength, his voice and new, upstanding gait now reflecting that. Igneous was slightly scorned by the fact he was drug out of his wonderful daydream, the closest he'd ever get to a nightdream, but he was glad he still had a companion at his side.

"That---I don't know." Igneous said, swinging his arms down as he motioned his head low. Senn sighed, resisting the urge to make himself small again.

"I want to help you, but I don't know how!" He shouted suddenly, before hanging his head and shoulders low. Quartz looked up, his blue eyes and lava both dull, a reflection of his listlessness.

"...Neither do I..." Quartz said softly. He stood up and approached the two friends. "Andesite promised he would let you live, but he couldn't protect our reputation. All we can do now is hope for the best."

Igneous then found what was eating Quartz. The same guilt he was experiencing had found a new host, manipulating Quartz' general worry for Igneous' wellbeing. In that terrible realization, there was a good side, the fact Quartz cared at least slightly enough to be eaten alive by this.

"Holly and Kaius should be coming back with food and lava." Igneous said, trying his best to repay Quartz for his subtle kindness. "I'm not very hungry, so you can have most of it."

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