Chapter Eighteen: Sadness and Rage Makes a Good Man Violent

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"Oh... Gods, Senn. I'm sorry..." Igneous said, slumping forward. He recalled what had happened in the Great War. It was such common knowledge that references of it had made it into even the most tame of books.

The horrors that the Voltaris had brought upon the world... He could not imagine what it was like for Senn to find out he was one of them. It was as if... As if Igneous had found out the Magnorites were nothing but violent beings.

But he could not hate the Voltaris.... Senn's existence proved that they were all not evil beings and perhaps they had a reason for the war. He could not tell, as he was not one of them, but Senn's being a Voltaris made him question those ideas.

"This is all my fault..." Igneous looked up at Senn. The Ardoni only glared, his eyes showing no reflection at all, as if they rejected Igneous. Senn turned around and walked off, leaving Igneous paralized.

The Magnorite wanted to stand up, to run after his companion, to apologize a thousand times and make it alright, but he couldn't. It was as if his legs were made out of some kind of material that stuck to the ground.

But the consequences of not following Senn... It would just prove Senn right if he didn't go forwards, if he didn't try to fix this.

So he made the difficult decision to rip himself free from the ground. The other Enderknights glared at him, but Igneous did not notice. He wouldn't have cared even if he did.

"Senn!" Igneous shouted as he charged through the streets. He remembered the Knights of Ardonia's base. That must have been where Senn was going, right? Maybe he would be saying his goodbyes, to never be seen again.

He ripped his way through the entrance and noticed Senn and Onyx were speaking. Igneous tore off of his helmet and shouted, gathering the attention of the both of them. Senn just glared silently while Onyx walked forwards, his agenda clear as could be.

"So, it turns out your friend's a Voltaris." Onyx snarled, looking back at Senn in distaste. Igneous let out a soft growl, stepping forwards. Onyx laughed.. "What? The Voltaris have brought us nothing but terror. You think you can... fight me? Over this?"

"He is still Senn, even with red markings." Igneous bared his teeth in a roar.

"He isn't even fully Voltaris. Look at the blue... I feel bad for the Sendaris parts of him... Trapped in with all of that red... Like the blood of innocents." Onyx smirked, readying himself for Igneous' attack. He held his arms out, balling his hands into fists.

Igneous charged forwards and slid past Onyx. When the other Magnorite tried to parry, Igneous slammed his foot into his jaw, knocked a few teeth loose and threw the larger Magnorite back. Onyx shrieked in pain, causing the other Knights to rush in. Igneous twirled around and greeted them with a face of pure animalistic rage.

"What is going on in here?" Hubris shouted as Ria ran towards Senn. She stopped a few feet in front of her now numb looking brother as Onyx clutched his broken jaw. He stared at Hubris, fighting back tears. Igneous couldn't help but grin. Onyx deserved the humbling.

"We've got a Voltaris defender in here!" Onyx screamed, pointing at Igneous. His voice shook slightly, betraying the facade that he wasn't going to cry.

"Is it too much to defend my friend?" Igneous turned around and looked at Senn. "Voltaris or not?"

Ria just stared at Senn. He was a Voltaris, a cause of war, a reason to cry and run for the covers. He was a bringer of terror, he was death itself, yet he was Senn.

It made Ria unsure how she felt. If Senn could be a Voltaris... Could the Voltaris... Be like the other clans? No, Senn had to be the exception... But what if he wasn't?

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