Chapter Nine: Captive

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Igneous forced his heavy eyes open. Pain shot through his limbs as he stood up, his legs shaking with the weight of his body. One of his ears rang with something awful as his head exploded in pain.

In front of him, he noticed bars. He was in a prison, no, a dungeon. Loudly, he heaved and shook, walking around his enclosure. His fingers touched the cold metal causing him to recoil.

"Where am I?" Igneous asked aloud.

"K'arthen's dungeon." Malakai hissed, suddenly throwing himself at Igneous' cage. He flinched, falling backwards. This prompted a laugh from Malakai.

"What did you do to Obsidian?!" Igneous hissed, throwing himself forwards at Malakai.

"That's what you named that little whelp?" Malakai asked, chortling a little, his arms crossed. With a flick of his head he delivered the news. "He's safe."

Igneous grabbed the bars of his cell hard, his hands clenched into strong fists. He propped himself up, his eyes small slits and his teeth clenched. A low snarl escaped his lips and Malakai snorted, raising his head high.

"Igneous, listen. We would get more out of each other if we work together. If you don't, well, I'm going to have to do something neither of us will like."

The smaller Magnorite tensed more, teeth baring with each word. He held back a shout with every sentence. "I see no reason to join you! Why would I trust someone who beats me to near death, throws me in prison, and kidnaps my Dragon?! "

"Do you want me to execute you?" Malakai asked. Igneous continued to glare, backing down slightly. "Do you not care for your people? Haven't you been treated like dirt before? It is what we are fighting to stop, Igneous."

Igneous was silent. Was Malakai a necessary evil? A terrible thing needed to liberate his people?

"This is the only way, Igneous." Malakai said, holding out his hand.

He felt ill at Malakai's gesture, knowing that Malakai was sugar-coating his actions. The Magnorite that was so willing to beat him to a pulp, lock him up and now execute him was expecting him to help him?

"I'd rather die than further your cruelty!" Igneous shouted. "We get nothing out of proving we are violent!"

Malakai ripped the door open and threw Igneous to the ground. Igneous yowled, kicking at the air as his vision darkened. He struggled onto his hands and knees, huffing loudly.

"Do I need to make myself clearer?"

"You aren't making your case any better." Igneous coughed, smiling sourly. Malakai sneered.

"Fun fact about Dragons, if they're young enough, you can bond them to someone other than their original owner." Malakai smirked after he made his remark. Igneous' eyes widened as he realized Malakai's plan.


A man stood at one end of the table at the K'arthen boardroom. Most of the seats were empty, making him feel lonely. He nervously fiddled with his hands, awaiting the arrival of someone important. He wore dark robes, marked with long red streaks near his abdomen. Malakai stomped his way into the boardroom. He cleared his throat, catching the attention of the man at the other end of the table.

"We have the Dragon." Malakai said, throwing Obsidian onto the table. The Dragon shouted as he slid towards the middle of the long table. The man squinted his blue eyes before sighing and shaking his head.

"Malakai--" The man protested.

"Maxwell, we need to execute that damned runt." Malakai hissed, his teeth bared as he finished his sentence. Maxwell flinched and then looked down at the poor, scared Dragon.

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