Chapter Twelve: Denial

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A month later, Holly had finally completed Igneous' prosthetic eye. It was an enchanted item that resembled Igneous' remaining eye. She smirked, balling the eye in her palm, admiring her handiwork. It had taken quite a bit of time and effort to get it enchanted properly.

Gently, she picked the eye up and attempted to place it into Igneous' empty eye socket, but he flinched. He murmured a protest, but Holly shrugged, muttering something about it being a necessary evil in exchange for sight. Igneous sighed and closed his other eye, finally allowing Holly to place the eye into its proper place. She admired how well it fit for a few moments and came to the conclusion that it was placed properly.

Quartz and Obsidian, the latter now being the size of a horse, watched intently. Obsidian was incredibly curious, having never seen something like this before. He gaped his mouth open, head swimming with thoughts about the new technology shown to him.

Quartz, however, was incredibly anxious. What if the eye didn't work? What if Igneous stood up and the eye fell out? He hoped that Igneous would only be dizzy at the worst.

"It may be glass, but it still looks real." Holly said as Obsidian approached Igneous. The Enderdragon crouched down and thought about pouncing for a moment. He shook his head and refrained, instead bringing his head close to the Magnorite. Igneous flinched, his eyes closing. He opened them again and Obsidian withdrew his head.

Both Obsidian and Igneous saw Igneous' eyes facing two different directions. Igneous tried to get his other eye to face right, but he wasn't used to it enough to get it to face the right way. "Oh..this is weird." Igneous complained as he continued to struggle.

Holly suddenly snorted. She leaned forward, her snorts giving way to spontaneous giggles. Igneous' new eye tried to face her, but to no avail, it continued to stare the wrong way. This was too much for Quartz, he exploded into heavy laughter. Igneous and Obsidian both stared at Quartz and then Holly. What could be so funny? They both thought at the same time.

"What?" Igneous asked. Quartz, for a few moments, kept a straight face, his laughter dying down. He took one more look at Igneous and then exploded again, falling onto his side. He clutched his stomach as his entire body was rocked with heavy, burst-like laughs.

Holly looked away, inhaled deeply and regained her composure. Despite her efforts, she snickered a little as she spoke. "Your eyes aren't facing the same way!" Holly admitted, before tearing up from, now quiet, laughter. Igneous groaned loudly and Holly scrunched up her face, disappointed in herself. Igneous was clearly not used to his new eye and she was laughing at him. What kind of friend was she? She sighed. "I'd assume it's a learning curve. I mean, you did just get your sight back." She looked over and noticed a mirror. An idea swam to the surface of her mind. She walked over and grabbed the mirror. She walked right back over to Igneous and stared at it for a moment.

"In the meantime, you should see how funny you look." She said, holding up the mirror. Igneous looked at his cross eyed reflection and he immediately brightened, his eyes sparkling with an interesting excitement. Holly sighed quietly in relief, glad that Igneous wasn't offended and now knew what they all were laughing at. A smile crossed Igneous' face and he laughed loudly. Obsidian stared almost stupidly. Holly felt bad for the small dragon, he was so ignorant. She leaned down and gave her best explanation to the dragon.

"Well this is---" Igneous laughed hard, almost to the point of suffocating. Out of breath, he choked out his words. "Well, it's something else."


Igneous, Quartz, Obsidian and Senn walked together through a slightly crowded clearing. Houses were a medium ways apart from each other and any place that wasn't filled with people (human and Ardoni alike) was filled with foliage or trees. At last, Igneous had control of his prosthetic and he smiled at the thought of finally overcoming such a trial. He looked almost like he did before he lost his eye, the only thing showing his accident was the heavy scarring surrounding his eye. Some people did stare at the scars, but they paid no mind to it, not knowing that the eye was prosthetic.

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