Chapter Fifteen: What Cannot be Altered

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A few weeks after Igneous discussed with the Knights of Ardonia, things had changed. Senn seemed to only have a few moments to meet up with Igneous and they seemed to be growing less and less frequent. Igneous was saddened by this at first, but he still had Quartz and Holly to talk to. Obsidian had finally gotten his grasp on full sentences, although they could only compare to those of a young child. Which was weird, since Obsidian had grown to the height of Igneous' shoulders.

He also liked to wander off as well and was now on one of his escapades. Igneous originally would chase Obsidian down, but the growing dragon was much too fast for him to catch up to, so he had given up.

Kaius also seemed to be busy with something. Igneous rarely ever saw the man nowadays. Today, however, he noticed Kaius talking to Holly. She seemed rather upset about something, but Igneous refused to listen to what she was saying. He found it too personal. Eventually, Kaius walked off, looking slightly concerned but also defeated.

Igneous wondered what had happened for a moment, but Holly approached him and spoke before he could greet her.

"I'm guessing you'll soon no longer need me?" She made a face as if the question tasted awful in her mouth. Igneous bit his lip, trying to figure out a response that would work.

"What makes you think that?" Igneous asked her, trying to understand more. He brought a hand to his chin and paced around. "It doesn't matter if you're not needed anyway, you're still great company. Is this about the fact you can't fight? I'm not a good fighter either, yet I'm here after all of this." He smiled and patted her on the shoulder. Please tell me I didn't make this worse... He thought as he fought back a grimace.

Holly let out a nervous chuckle."I guess that's something we have in common, none of us are really built for fighting..." She looked down and forced a smile. "But it's not good if you get caught out by yourself... I mean, healing doesn't save you from being murdered..."

Igneous raised a finger and gaped his mouth open. He wanted to speak, but he had no way to comfort her. He put his finger down and closed his mouth. Comparing human skin to a Magnorite's rocky equivalent was like comparing a piece of paper to a book. Humans were so fragile... Almost as if a single hug from him could break their spine if done improperly.

Holly sighed, looking back at her feet. The forced smile faded from her face. With a quick swirl, she turned around and walked off into the distance.

"Holly, wait!" Igneous cried out.

She turned around and looked at him, her eyes slightly reddened. Again, she turned around and walked off, almost as if she was holding back a rant. Igneous felt his heart sink into his chest.

"I guess she wants to be left alone..." The words spilled out of him, like a defense mechanism. His skin might have been rocky, but his emotions were not, he realized soon enough, as lava started to prickle around the corners of his eyes. He inhaled, fighting the feelings that rose to his eyes and thought of happy things.

Igneous remembered that Quartz seemed to stay positive despite all of the stress of the world crushing in. It was almost as if he was disconnected from everything... Or maybe he was a being of pure happiness itself.

Igneous wandered around, searching for Quartz. He rubbed the prickling out of his eyes and noticed quite a bit of lava now covered the offending hand. A grimace splintered across his face before he shook his head and continued towards his goal.

Eventually, he found Quartz leaning against a stable. Igneous eyed the surprisingly empty stable and noticed a sign. It read: Sir ButterBottom's Horse Stable and he suddenly burst out laughing. Who would name their child ButterBottom? Was it some kind of family name?

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