Chapter Six: Three's a Crowd

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Igneous walked through the sands, the grains of it tickled his feet. He lagged slightly behind his companions, occasionally glancing at the ground. When he would look up, he saw the people's faces contorted into snarls. He sculked over to Quartz and tapped him on the shoulder. "I think they're going to hurt us."

Quartz looked over and whispered. "Just stay close.They won't attack a group."

Igneous nodded. He looked over at the group and noticed they had walked off a bit. He gestured Quartz forward and they both caught up. They continued through the sands and Igneous could hear chatter at the front between Holly and Senn. He shook his head, refusing to cut through their conversation.

The chat died and Holly started to diverge from the group. "Wait--what are--" Igneous started. Holly looked over at Igneous and flashed a small smile.

"I'll be right back, I'm just catching up with someone." She said, continuing on her way.

"Holly is Cydonian?" Igneous asked, looking over at Quartz. The albino Magnorite shrugged. "I never knew that!" Igneous' mouth hung agape as he spoke.

Eventually, they made their way into a large, walled city. People buzzed around, their conversations becoming hums and white noise. When Igneous and Quartz walked into view of them, their buzzing grew angry. A group came together, their shoulders slack with stored energy. They looked as if they were about to swing their fists.

Senn yelled at them, throwing his own fists into the air. The people stopped for a moment. Chatter erupted again and a majority backed away, leaving only three people. Those three looked at each other and whispered, before charging. The front one lunged at Igneous and grabbed him by the wrist.

"Back off!" Quartz shouted before the stranger could speak. The albino Magnorite balled his hands into fists and whacked at the man's direction. The stranger, a man with tan skin and short brown hair, let go of Igneous' wrist.. The man then turned around and chattered to his posse. Igneous looked over at Quartz. Senn had walked away and then looked back at them before running back over to them. The man stepped forwards again and suddenly a voice interrupted them.

"Leave them alone!"

Igneous looked over at the source of the voice, hoping it was Aren. The source of the voice was a man, and he was accompanied with Holly at his side. Doubt rose in Igneous' chest.

The man had white, feathery hair and skin a couple shades darker than Holly's. Over his eyes were thick glasses, which refused to hide his dark brown eyes.

He looked nothing like a Fletcher, more like some kind of wizard from a fantasy novel Igneous had read when he was a small child. The thought of it made Igneous' chest burn with a strange feeling. It was warm, but sad at the same time.

"This is Kaius." Holly introduced the man very politely and Igneous laughed. The man's name lived up to his appearance! Kaius coughed, gaining the attention of the folk. Suddenly, someone cut through the crowd, shouting.

"What are you guys doing?" The figure, a very irate man, waved a large, scythe-like weapon. Long, black hair draped down his back and he had a small beard. His already dark skin looked tanned by the sun and his brown eyes were squinting and slightly red with anger.

"Ah--er, Aren!" Kaius stammered.

"Wait, Aren?" Igneous spoke up. "We've been looking for you!" Kaius then stared at the strange, small Magnorite and adjusted his glasses.

"Holly, why is this---this Magnorite so small?"

"That's your question?" Aren spoke up, waving his weapon around. "'What is going on' is my question!"

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