Chapter Fourteen: Two Realms

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It was quite a long journey to the Knights of Ardonia base. Idle conversations sparked between them as they traveled along a large, deep river. It reminded Igneous of the river in K'arthen and gave him just as much anxiety. The memories of Malakai trying to execute him bubbled up to the surface. He whimpered and looked away.

Soon enough, they found themselves before the entrance. It was a hole carved into a large, intimidating mountain. Igneous imagined the effort it would take to climb. Ria rushed by his side and stood in front, holding her arms up high, as if she was holding up the mountain with her arms. Senn observed the mountain and its entrance, entranced by its height and fortitude.

However, while they were having their happy moment, a strange Magnorite with dark gray, almost obsidian black skin and glowing orangish yellow eyes noticed Igneous from inside the hole in the mountain. A quiet, angry whistling escaped them. How had this intruder come here? They creeped close to the entrance and observed Igneous much closer.

They braced themselves and then charged forwards. Igneous wouldn't have noticed if not for Obsidian screaming, the shrill noise driving him out of his thoughts. He looked up at the Magnorite and then dove out of the way. Obsidian followed suit, curling up next to Igneous' head as soon as he hit the ground again.

"Woah!" Igneous shouted, staring up at the Magnorite. The strange Magnorite let out a frustrated whistle and dug their feet into the ground, almost falling onto their front. They shook their head and turned around. Igneous got back onto his feet and the Magnorite suddenly lunged, grabbing him by the neck.

"What are you doing here?" the Magnorite barked, sharp teeth baring in Igneous' face with every word. Igneous trembled a good bit, making the Magnorite who had him by the neck smile from ear to ear. Well, more like horn to horn for Magnorites... Igneous comforted himself with a silly thought. Ria shoved herself forward, a stern frown crossing her face. The Magnorite looked at her and then blinked idly. Igneous continued to tremble, fearing both Ria and the stranger in that moment.

"Onyx," The offending Magnorite continued to stare at her, now locking eyes with her, "stop." She hissed, feathery hair standing on end as she gritted her teeth. Onyx obeyed, let go of Igneous' throat and stepped back. He glanced at Igneous again, who was now scrambling away with a shaky gait.

"You still didn't answer my question." Onyx said very flatly, a soft, angry whistle escaping him after he spoke. Igneous was still trembling but now was doing so even more than before

"My... My friend wanted to join the Knights of Ardonia..." He stammered awkwardly.

Onyx looked around and then spotted Quartz. He ran his eyes along the white Magnorite's entire form before smirking. "He seems like good material..." He muttered something after, something about how Quartz had a poor choice in friends.

"Um," Senn spoke, nervousness lining his voice like ore lined stone. Onyx faced the clanless Ardoni with disappointment, already predicting what was about to come out of his mouth. "I'm actually the one who wants to join..."

Onyx scoffed, rolled his eyes, and let out another whistle. Igneous stopped trembling, rage now filling his body. He scowled and stepped forward, clenching his teeth.

"He'd make a great addition to your ranks!" He growled, now baring his teeth at Onyx. Onyx rolled his eyes, stifling a laugh at Igneous' sudden bravery. Igneous simmered down a bit, clenching his teeth again. "Besides, we have important things to discuss with you and the other Knights." He said, barely audible as he turned his head.

"Like what?" Onyx brought himself forward, flaunting the extra foot he had above Igneous. Igneous stepped back slightly, remembering the fear that had possessed him before. "Yeesh, I didn't know cowards existed among my kind."

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