Chapter Seven:An Explosive Beginning

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The others eventually caught up to Igneous. He was too busy taking in all of K'arthen's details to notice his companions until they were right behind him. Igneous turned around and gasped, slightly startled before shaking his head and regaining his composure.

"What do we do now?" Kaius asked after Igneous recovered.

"Well, we need to get some more information before we do anything." Holly responded. Kaius nodded, a silent agreement. The two chattered a little more, moving away from Igneous, Senn and Quartz.

Igneous was about to speak but then he noticed a dark blur moving across his vision. He titled his head and motioned Senn and Quartz to follow him. The Magnorite crept forward, following the strange figure.

Soon, Igneous found the figure was a human. The human had calmed down, now trotting rather slowly in comparison to their darting speed. Quartz spoke up quietly as Igneous tried to concentrate on the object the figure was holding.

"What are you doing?" He whispered.

"I just--just let me talk to this guy. I think something's up with them." Igneous waved his arm at the stranger, which prompted them to turn around and back away. Quartz scowled quietly and looked over at Senn.

"We need to be focusing on our goal here."

"Then take Senn back to K'arthen! I'll catch up." Igneous growled back. Quartz sighed, grabbing Senn by the hand and leading him away. The small Mangorite sighed, focusing his eyes forward. Now the human was walking off, hunched slightly by the large object on their back.

He approached the human slowly, tapped on their shoulder and cleared his throat.

"Excuse me if this is rude, but what is that?" Igneous asked, his tone flat.

The human scoffed, grabbing the object and showing it to the Magnorite. "Now, you gotta promise you won't tell."

"Why?" Igneous asked, now noticing the object was a large egg. Bright purple veins had started to grow on the egg and the human fidgeted with their legs.

The stranger placed the egg on the ground. A devilish smirk crossed their lips as they brought a diamond dagger to Igneous' throat.

"I'll have to kill ya."

Igneous, immediately offended, punched the human straight in the stomach. They shrieked as they fell and skidded across hard, rocky ground. The shriek brought the attention of others, and chatter soon erupted in the back of Igneous' hearing.

Take the egg. Something told him. So, he grabbed the egg. It glowed harsher than before, turning some of his vision green from the intensity of the light. The egg, despite his slight protest and squints, kept glowing brighter and brighter.

He could barely see the human stand back up, charging in for round two as the egg grew to its brightest. Igneous shut his eye, unable to stand the light. What should have been black was now green, making it impossible to concentrate.

A blast rocked his body, sending him back. His vision changed from green to black and his back burned with pain. Crying out, albeit in a slight slurred way, he shouted.

"I'm blind!" And right as those words came out, his vision in his remaining eye returned. Lava trailed on the ground and he was forced to assume it was his. The human was no longer fully human, more like half human, half ash.

Igneous shook his head, his back still burning something awful. He stood up and approached the middle, trying to find the egg. Instead of an egg, he found something dark and round. Had the egg regenerated, or something?

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