Chapter Two: Unfamiliar Flames

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When fatigue released him from its clutches, his eyes were burned and scorched by the brightest star in the sky. He struggled to his four feet and noticed his legs didn't bend that way anymore. Looking back, he found they were his old legs. He stood up on them and hopped into the air with joy. He was almost willing to brush the night away as a hallucination, when he looked back and noticed the bloodied bones. Sighing, he hung his head low again.

Senn awoke soon enough and pointed at Igneous' mouth and claws. "You're covered in blood." Igneous gasped slightly, then subconsciously began lapping at the blood. He found it still tasted good. It startled him, and he shook a little.

"Igneous what are you doing?" Senn asked, frightened and confused.

"I-I don't know," Igneous stammered. "I don't even know what I'm doing."

"Well do you think we should find out?" Senn replied.

"How?" Igneous asked.

"Do you have any information in those books you have?" Senn replied.

Igneous searched through his collection of books and shook his head. "Nope. None."

"Well then, why don't we go back to Biggerton and find out?"

"What?!" Igneous asked. "I don't think they want me back there!"

"It's worth a shot, at least." Senn said. "What's the worst that can happen?"


Igneous led Senn back to Biggerton. He trudged slowly along the trail, his mind still racing with thoughts. Was this a one time thing? Were those monsters everywhere, running amok spreading their poison? Would he become that thing again tonight?

If he became it again, would he lose more of himself? Then, the idea that he had already lost himself before entered his mind. Terror struck him, knowing that he could have lost a fraction of himself to the beast and he would be none the wiser. Or, it could only take him when it twisted him into a monster. Was that possible? To only be a monster when night fell? What if it was random, happening even during the day?

A smell drug himself out of his thoughts, the familiar scent of burning wood. Igneous looked around, but noticed no ash, not yet. The smell was slight, which meant it had to be far. He looked towards his destination, realizing it was coming from Biggerton itself. Still, he walked along, keeping Senn close.

"Something is burning." He said when Senn squirmed. Senn looked around and shook his head, grimacing.

"I don't see any ash." He said as he wrinkled his nose. However, both of them could see the sky was now slightly grayed and was growing grayer by the minute.

"I know. Stay close." Igneous said, feeling the impulse to protect his friend grow stronger. He had wanted to protect his friend before, but this felt like second nature, an irresistible impulse. An instinct.

He shook his head, leading Senn to Biggerton anyways. Ash started to rain down from the sky, coloring the crown of Senn's hair with dark gray. Igneous shuddered, looking at the vague outline of the town. He led Senn closer and eventually they crossed the boundary between Biggerton and the forest, finding their way into the burning town.

"The fire is green?"

The entirety of it was engulfed in flames. Igneous scanned the area, looking for somewhere he could lead Senn without him being burned. "Stay close to the ground. I'm going to look for survivors."

Senn crouched close to the ground, trying to hide himself from the flames. "Never knew you were so heroic." He remarked.

"I'm not. I just don't want anyone getting hurt, and I can go through the fire without getting hurt. Scream if you need me." He said, wandering into the town. A beam fell down from the sheer damage of the fire. Igneous lifted it up with ease and continued into town.

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