Chapter Twenty Two: To Become Dangerous

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The Enderknights landed their dragons outside the entrance of Tartarus. Igneous hopped off Obsidian. The dragon followed closely behind. Igneous swirled around and held out a hand, commanding Obsidian to stop. The Enderdragon stopped bounding forward and sat down. Igneous turned back around, walked over to the entrance and looked up at its arch.

"It may be big enough for you to walk in if you crouch down." Igneous said, turning back around at Obsidian. Ceris hopped off his dragon and shook his head.

"You expect dragons to just... fit in K'arthen? It's not made for dragons to walk around. Especially not comfortably." He crossed his arms and tapped one foot. Igneous stepped forth and entered the first threshold of Tartarus. He noticed that the halls still remained as wide as they were before and he turned back around, walking out again.

"It's big enough for all of them to fit."

"We are not bringing them in." Ceris hissed back. Igneous stared back at Obsidian, his eyelids drooping in disgust. He scoffed.

"Then where are they supposed to stay, huh?" He flicked at one of his horns with his finger. "If they stay out here they could get killed or chased off or.... Well, I don't need to say more, do I? If something happens to them then we're dead in the water."

Obsidian spoke spreading out his wings. "Besides, having us around could be an advantage, right? If we get bad guys after us we can just, uh, fight them!". One of his wings hit Igneous, almost knocking him over. "Oops..."

Igneous rubbed the top of his head and looked back at Ceris. "Obsidian has a point, even if it sounds a little silly."

"But if we come in with dragons they'll think we're preparing to fight them!" Ceris retorted. Igneous narrowed his eyes. How could Ceris think that? The Enderknights had never fought against K'arthen before.

Asterion cleared her throat and waved one hand. "I think Igneous and I can clear that up." She looked over and noticed Quartz, who was walking over to Igneous' side. "And we also have Quartz." The pale Magnorite threw himself at Igneous, scooping him into a hug. Igneous stepped back and reciprocated as best as he could.

"Um, Quartz, maybe save the lovey dovey stuff for later." Igneous said, pulling himself away. Holly hacked at the air a little.

"Yeah, please. Not everyone is comfortable with romantic stuff." She muttered. "Anyway, you guys should be in Tartarus already. We need to stop wasting time."

Igneous led the Enderknights, their dragons and Holly and Kaius into Tartarus. He felt anxiety pang in his chest. What if Malakai's ideals still remained? Who led K'arthen as a whole now? What if it was total chaos in there?

In Tartarus, the Magnorites were rather spaced out throughout the large hall. In the center stood a small garde and a few staircases were in the back, leading up to many residences. Some were in small groups, discussing things Igneous couldn't hear from his position, while some were alone, working on some statues or carving words into the walls. Igneous tilted his head and walked towards the lone Magnorite who. He was possessed by curiosity and needed to know what was being carved and why .

The Magnorite turned around and removed their chisel from the wall. "Hello?" They asked rather quietly. Igneous looked over at the script on the wall. One of the first Enderknights was a- the wall read, cutting off at the end. He raised an eyebrow and then looked back at the Magnorite.

"Hey. I wanted to ask what you were writing." Igneous said. The Magnorite looked at the word Enderknight and then back at Igneous.

"Oh, it's about Igneous Morphus. He was a Magnorite Enderknight and well, rumors say he still works along the council." The Magnorite poked one of their horns. Igneous pulled off his helmet, revealing his small horns and spikes. The Magnorite stepped back and gasped. "Ya look almost exactlylike him! Well, except for the tiny horns on ya head." Their voice raised to a high pitch.

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