13 He was and always would be

44 3 0

Written for The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition

[Season 8] - Finals: Ding Dong, You're Wrong

Team: Chudley Cannons

Position: Beater 1 - Your character must assume everyone holds a certain belief


2. (quote) "Don't waste your time with explanations. People only hear what they want to hear."- Paulo Coelho

6. (word) immature


Written for Chudley Cannon Team Challenge

Prompt: You must enjoy writing your story


Thanks to Fire the Canon and insertcleverandwittytitlehere for betaing!


Word count: 1949




Lily was practically shaking with anticipation. Severus had told her about Hogwarts many times, yet she still wasn't prepared for how massive it actually was. And even though she had known she was a witch for a few years, she hadn't been prepared to be around so many other sorcerers.

She also hadn't been prepared for how amazing it would feel to do magic. The feeling when she made the little feather fly couldn't compare to anything. It was surreal.

Potions Class was funnier than she expected; after all, it appeared to only be mixing and stirring ingredients. Though, she had to admit, it was rather satisfying to watch the blue potion in the cauldron and the pink smoke rising from it.

Their potions professor Professor Slughorn walked over to admire it.

"That's quite impressive for a beginner," he said, smiling slightly to himself. "What was your name again?"

"Lily Evans, sir," she said, smiling brightly.

"Evans..." He stood in thought for a few moments. "I haven't heard that name before. Tell me, what do your parents do?"

"They're accountants." A few other students, Gryffindors and Slytherins, were watching their interaction, and Lily felt her face heat up. Slughorn frowned. "Er, it's a Muggle profession."

Slughorn nodded as if he now just remembered what an accountant was. "So, they're both Muggles, your parents?"


Slughorn nodded approvingly, then continued walking between the tables, muttering under his breath. "Impressive."

Suddenly, a clock on his desk began ringing. Slughorn quickly walked up to turn it off, explaining to his first years that he had to leave to stir a potion brewing in his office for Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse. He would be right back, but in the meantime, he wanted them to give him a small sample of their work and place it on his desk.

Lily poured some of the Potion into a little vial and did as instructed, though on the way to Slughorn's desk, she tripped over someone's foot, dropping the vial and causing the content to spill on the floor.

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