1 Sooner or later

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Written for The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition

[Season 7] - Round 1

Team: Chudley Cannons

Position: Chaser 3 - "The Holy Grail" King Arthur is challenged to a duel by the Black Knight, who promptly loses all of his limps. The Black Knight then decides to call it a draw. Write about a canonly stubborn character faced with insurmountable odds.


4. (word) telescope

12. (creature) niffler

13. (character) Hagrid

(Thanks to @insertcleverandwittytitlehere on fanfiction.net for betaing)


I had to look up the word 'insurmountable' before starting this omg.


"Oi, Evans," James quickly abandoned his friends to follow the beautiful red-head, Lily Evans, whom he had fancied for years now. Though it didn't seem as if she was falling for his charms, he knew she would sooner or later. Apparently, she was choosing later.

Evans turned around knowing he wouldn't leave her alone before she hexed him. Hazel eyes met her beautiful green ones and for a moment James forgot what he was supposed to say.

"Get to the point, Potter, or I'll hex you."

Even when she was threatening him, her voice was like a phoenix song.

James ruffled his hair nervously and gave her the smile he had been practising with Sirius. It didn't seem to have the desired effect as she simply raised her eyebrow.

"Uhm..." he took a deep breath and prepared for his speech (which he had not been practising in front of the mirror). "I suppose you have heard we won the Quidditch match earlier today? Don't you want a date with the coolest guy in the school?"

Evans cracked a smile and James relaxed visibly. He couldn't believe she was actually going to say yes. After all these years. Finally. Should he be nervous? He probably should. This is Lily Evans after all, no one is as perfect as her, despite what Sirius says.

"Where is he?"

His smile fell.


"You promised me a date with the coolest guy in the school," sarcasm filled her voice. "So, where is he?"

He blinked a couple of times. "It's me."

"Really?" she sounded annoyed. "What makes you think you are the coolest guy in school?" she demanded. "No wait, let me guess; It's because you are Quidditch captain, it's because you are the best flyer in the whole school, it's because you are oh so handsome."

"Uhh, yeah?" James didn't understand why she was using that tone when she talked about all his best qualities.

"You are unbelievable," she rolled her eyes and stormed off leaving James confused behind her.

Why was she so mad? Surely it couldn't be because of what happened last year by the lake? Evans couldn't honestly still be mad about that, she wasn't even friends with Snivellus anymore. Why did she have a thing for overreacting every time he asked her out?

Peter, Remus and Sirius slowly approached him. Of course they had seen the whole thing, how many other people had as well?

"Better luck next time, Prongsie," Sirius clapped his back friendly.

{Marauders Oneshots} wolfstar+jilyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें