2 Become a marauder

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Written for The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition.

[Season 7] - Round 2

Team: Chudley Cannons

Position: Chaser 3 - Leo (July 23-August 22). Vivacious, theatrical, and passionate, Leos love to bask in the spotlight and celebrate themselves. These lions are natural leaders, and they enjoy cultivating friendships and romances that are artistically and creatively inspired. Write about someone who's always been a leader (explicitly or otherwise) having to learn to follow someone else OR write about a character(s) who's always been fawned on finding themselves having to work for recognition and acceptance.

I chose the second one.


5. (song) November Rain - Guns N' Roses

6. (colour) crimson

13. (phrase) holding your head high


A/N the song is about someone trying to give up unrequited love. Sirius is trying to give up the unrequited love from his parents and move on.



Time stood still and all Sirius Black heard was his own breathing. If he didn't open his eyes, then maybe none of this would be real. If he kept them closed the nightmare would still be going on. It was better if it was a nightmare instead of reality.

He didn't hear as someone called his name, but he did feel the hands grabbing his arms and shaking him slightly. If he kept his eyes closed it wouldn't be real.

Wouldn't be real.

It wouldn't be real.

It can't be real, he was Sirius Orion Black the third, heir to the most noble and ancient house of Black. He couldn't be a Gryffindor, he should be a Slytherin just like all the other Blacks. This was just a cruel nightmare.

Finally the hands on his arms lost their patience and instead dragged him towards the wrong table. He should be at the Slytherin table with all his cousins and friends. With Mulciber, Avery, Pucey and Snape. Not at the Gryffindor table with all the mudbloods and blood traitors.

With still-closed eyes Sirius sat at the Gryffindor table and listened to the sorting. If just one of the friends he had made on the train would be sorted into Gryffindor (or another house that wasn't Slytherin) then he would at least have a friend, but none of them did.

He wanted nothing more than to run out of the Great Hall. There had to be a way for him to switch houses, or maybe he could go to Durmstrang instead.

That sounded like a plan, he had always been a good kid, surely his parents would help him through this.



"Sirius Black," the other boy finished eagerly. "I know. I'm Titan Mulciber and future Slytherin just like you."

Sirius relaxed visibly. The first compartment he was in contained the blood traitor Potter, a half-blood and a mudblood. He had gone searching for another compartment and was glad about the result. Mulciber was a pureblood like him.

The other boys were Avery and Pucey. Later Severus Snape joined them, and they generously allowed him because he was future Slytherin.

He could easily see a future with these three boys.

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