~2020 Summary~

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1 Soon to be anniversary

27th of December was the date Sirius and Remus got together, or rather, Sirius intended it to be. Though confessing one's undying love may be harder than he realized. WOLFSTAR. SQUIB AU.

2 Sirius the ultimate drama queen

Sirius would do anything for the drama. Regulus just wants him to stay in the family. But asking Sirius to stop being dramatic is like asking the sky to stop being blue. Only harder.

3 Hear me out

Sirius and Remus spent a week together alone in a beach house, where both revealed their true feelings for the other. Now they're back and Remus wants to come out to his parents.

4 Doing it for family

A new disease is taking over the world. Not much time goes by before half the population is sick and dies, but that's not the worst part. They come back. Sirius is trapped in his flat all alone and wishes for someone to be his friends. One day, James and Remus come by.

5 Doesn't matter

Andromeda could never decide which hand to hold her wand in. The right hand was more careful and her movements slower, giving her more time to be precise when she was healing. But holding the wand in her left hand felt like an extension of her arm. Perfect for assassinations.

6 I want it all

Remus doesn't understand why Sirius wants to be with him, when Sirius is so much better than him in every possible way.

7 I'm just so happy

James always knew he wanted to marry Lily Evans. He also always knew he wanted an Indian wedding just like the one his parents had. Luckily, Lily loved both these ideas. [Indian James AU]

8 To be a hero

Very few people are born with superpowers. Sirius is one of them, but his powers isn't hero material. Or at least, that was what he thought until he joined a group of heroes who needed his exact talents.

9 Remember the past, change the future

As Dumbledore faces several students in his office after they were caught tangled together in a broom closet, he is forced to think about his past relationship with Gellert Grindelwald.

10 Rebuilding a relationship

Remus struggles after Sirius, who abandoned him and Teddy three years ago, has suddenly returned. He isn't sure if he's ready to forgive Sirius just yet, but he doesn't think he can live without him either.

11 Ready to start again?

After The Prank, Sirius isn't sure he should become an animagus if he can't do it for Remus, who is the reason he started the process. He thinks of Remus day and night, wishing they were still friends.

12 Mission to Majerg

Sirius' and Remus' biggest dream is to build machines to help other people. They're searching for the Compass of Misdirection which will lead them to greatness. But journeys can be dangerous and one should always be wary of pirates. SteampunkAU - Mute!Remus

13 He was and always would be

Lily didn't care how handsome all her friends thought Potter was, she knew he was, and always would be, an immature jerk.

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