4 Doing it for family

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Written for The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition

[Season 8] - Round 4

Team: Chudley Cannons

Position: Beater 1 - [disaster] Society is faced with a large-scale disaster that looks like the end for mankind (this can be world-wide or localised, it's up to you)


11. (emotion) scared

13 (relationship) family

14. (word) effort

Thanks to hannahsoapy, insertcleverandwittytitlehere and Fire the Canon on fanfiction.net for betaing!




Sirius never imagined his life would come to this. He never imagined being trapped in his flat, alone. And to think everything had changed in only a matter of months was crazy.

The news about a new disease had barely gotten out before half the world population had gotten sick. Soon they died, and then only a few days later they came back — as monsters. The whole world was in chaos and only a few were left.

Sirius had barely stepped outside his flat and hadn't left the building since it started. Luckily, his deceased neighbour had been crazy paranoid and had stocked canned food for several years.

He was safe, and he had food, but he was lonely.

It seemed ridiculous, but he had always craved to be with other people. His parents hadn't been affectionate before they kicked him out for lacking magical abilities, so he always tried to make up for that and often appeared clingy. Now, there was no one around to be clingy with.

Most days he stared out of the window waiting, hoping, for someone to come. But so far, no one had.


Remus had finally recovered fully from the full moon. He had been fine for a couple of days, but James wouldn't let him go on any missions till now. Not that he complained too much. Even though sorcerers seemed to be immune to the illness, they weren't immune to the bites.

Every trip was of high risk — but necessary.

He kept reminding himself this as he and James sneaked down the street. It was the middle of the day, so sneaking around seemed silly, but it was easier to see the monsters — or zombies, as James called them.

Everything appeared calm (though this wasn't necessarily reassuring) until they heard a whistle. Remus and James stopped, staring at each other, wondering if they were hearing things, until it came back.

Remus lifted his gaze and found a man in a window waving at them, but when they didn't respond, the man gestured with his hands for them to come. They only had to share one look to know they needed to help him.

With wands in their hands, they crossed the street. The man had disappeared from his window, and soon there was scrambling behind the door. A minute later, It was opened by the man. Once inside, the man barricaded the door again, turned around, and widened his eyes as he saw two wands pointed at him.

Remus's heart stopped beating for a second. He was looking at the most gorgeous man he had ever seen.

"Are you a wizard?" James demanded.

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