7 I'm just so happy

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Written for The Quidditch League Fanfiction Competition

[Season 8] - Round 7: Diversity

Team: Chudley Cannons

Position: Beater 1 - Attire - Several countries have outfits or garments they wear for special events and ceremonies. This can be as simple as a decorative scarf or as intricate as the layers of a kimono. — Write a character that wears an outfit representing their culture.

James is Indian in this story!


7. (action) Dancing

13. (word) celebration


Written for Chudley Cannon Team Challenge

Prompt: Write about a character talking about your favourite (anything)


Thanks to MirandaSwitch on fanfiction.net for betaing!




James seemed to be trapped in an endless cycle of staring at Lily and failing to listen to her, staring at the mug between his hands and then at the counter where the staff was supposed to bring down a piece of cake any minute now.

His eyes found hers and he was met with beautiful green ones. She then snapped her fingers in front of him, bringing him back to reality.


"I asked if you've got hay in your ears. You know you aren't supposed to eat it when you're Prongs, right?" She smiled, clearly amused by her own joke, then took a sip of her tea.

James smiled at her but was immediately distracted. A barista walked towards their table with a piece of cake, a cinnamon one — her favourite. A cake with an engagement ring inside.

This could end so horribly in so many ways. But it felt right. When picturing his future, Lily was there with him. There wasn't a single doubt about that, so why not propose now?

As the barista put the cake down, Lily quickly spoke.

"Oh, we didn't order that."

"I did," James said and shifted in his seat. The barista left and he took Lily's hand in his. He wanted to say something but found himself unable to. Perhaps the ring spoke for itself?

She raised her eyebrow at him but didn't say anything, instead choosing to eat the cake. James tried to not stare. He would hate to give anything away.

Suddenly her eyes widened. James smiled carefully as she stared at him. Her eyes shifting between the cake and him.

"I love you, Lils," he said, already feeling tears form in his eyes, "You're the most amazing person I've ever met, and every day I can't believe I get to be with someone as amazing as you."

Lily wiped her eyes. James smiled.

"There's no one I would rather spend my entire life with, but you. So please, will you marry me?"

"Yes!" she shrieked.

In a matter of seconds, James was beside her, hugging her tightly. He felt as though his heart was going to explode. Though that was quickly interrupted as James felt someone hugging him from behind.

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