2 Engaged for 43 years

56 5 5

Inspired by a Tumblr post by marsmoons. The entire first paragraph is theirs, and some of the second and third is theirs. The rest is mine :D


Thanks to Ray and Arty for betaing!


TRIGGER WARNING: assisted suicide (but the person it happens to, is old). Death (but again, the person is old). Correction Camp (mentioned). War stuff (but it ends well). Curse words.


Word count: 9228




"I just think that we're perfect for each other. Whenever I look into your eyes, I think, I want to continue every second of my life with this man. You're always there for me, and your mere presence lights up my entire world. So, I'm asking you now, will you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?"

Remus stared at the boy on one knee in front of him. He had just been sitting on the Hogwarts Express, waiting to go to Hogwarts for the first time, when a boy his age, with long black hair, walked in and proposed.

"I- hello. Er, my name is Remus Lupin." He hadn't met a lot of people, having been secluded most of his life because he was a werewolf, but Remus was pretty sure people didn't usually behave like this.

The boy smiled. "How fitting. The most lovely name in the world to the most lovely man in the world."


The boy tilted his head slightly, raising an elegant eyebrow.

Remus wiped his hands on his trousers, suddenly nervous he had said something wrong. "Er, it's called loveliest, not most lovely."

The boy smiled widely. "And you're intelligent too! Please, oh please, say yes. Marry me!" he took both Remus' hands in his.

"I- I don't even know your name."

"Sirius Black, or Sirius Lupin, if I may."

Remus felt his face heat up under Sirius' gaze. No one had ever looked at him like that.

"Er, I don't know. We're eleven so I don't think we can get married." That might have been the weirdest sentence he had ever uttered.

Remus had thought it would discourage Sirius, but the boy only smiled wider.

"What I'm hearing is a pre-yes. I've been waiting my whole life, I can wait a little longer, for you, my love." Sirius didn't leave any time for Remus to respond, instead pulling him up, so they were both standing. "I want you to meet my friends. Come."

Remus was dragged out of the compartment, almost falling as Sirius hastily ran down the train into a compartment with two boys. One had wild black hair and brown skin, the other was chubby with blonde hair.

"Hello again James and Peter. This is Remus. We're going to be married one day." He glanced at Remus with a dreamy look.

"Are we invited to the wedding?" the one with dark skin asked, biting the butt off his chocolate frog.

"Of course!" Sirius jumped in excitement. "James, you'll be my best man! And Peter." Sirius turned his attention to the other boy, who looked just as overwhelmed and confused as Remus felt. "You can be Remus' best man now that we're all friends."

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