Chapter 13 □

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"Cut the cheesy crap Harry." I bumped him with my hip. He laughed into my ear "Do you wanna do some more bumping later?" He kissed my neck. The boys were talking with Ed Sheeran. Harry was playing with my finger kissing each one and hugging me, soppy boy. Harmony was in Zayn's arms pulling on his leather jacket.

Some fans of the boys and of Ed's came up to say hello to them. Harry won't let me go so I was in some of the photos with the fans. Some told me I was pretty or had good taste in clothes and boys which made me giggle. The girls we met were so lovely towards me.

Harry got a text from Liam (I think it was) saying about meeting up at Costa then heading grabbing some clothes for the show later then going to Nandos. Ed tagged along with us too because he was appearing on the show too! His on before One Direction and performing at the beginning then the boys are singing at end, double whammy! I can hear Harry sing for the first really time. Apparently the song they are singing was written by Ed himself they insured me that it wouldn't be cheesy but sweet.

I held Harmony on the way to Costa because she decide that she was bored of Zayn's jacket. Harry still didn't let me go, his hand was tight around my waist the whole time. Even when Louis was teasing us he wouldn't let go just teased Louis back about his girlfriend, Eleanor. Zayn was laughing so he dropped some little things onto him about him and his girlfriend, Perrie. That stopped him from laughing but everyone was teasing each other but me because I didn't know their girlfriends or what they do with them so I had nothing to really say... When I tease I come up with the best things to say! That's what people say anyway.

When we got to Costa Liam and Niall where sitting on a table with there drinks. The got up to say hello. It didn't take long till they got hypnotized by Harmony's giggles and smile. "Harry she has your dimples!" Liam chuckled. "And your hair!" Her little brown curls showed as she pulled off her elf hat. "She was born on the same day as him too." I tickled Harmony's belly. "Really?" I didn't look up from Harmony's cute face. My smile was stuck onto my face and it didn't seem to be going anywhere too soon. I nodded to answer Liam's question.

My tongue was kind of dry, I hadn't drunk anything all day expert some of that hot chocolate Harry got me this morning. Liam noticed I was going to put Harmony down so he took the chance "Can I hold her?" I smiled "sure, shes all yours! I need a drink." I passed Liam the baby, Harmony started clapping her hands together like she always does she started giggling as well as normal.

Harry was still locked to my side, I touched his hand with one of mine and his face with the other "I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" He was in his own world but I knocked him out of it with my voice "no I'm good." He beamed. I looked at his hand around my waist then at him, "you gonna let me go?" I laughed, Ed joined in "yeah, she needs some space Harry!"

"Sorry." without his hand on my waist sort of felt as if something was missing.

I walked to steps when that familiar hand touched my hand "actually could I have one of those cooler things, chocolate one. Please?" I turned my head "yeah." Retraced my two steps back to Harry giving a kiss on the nose.

As I walked up to the counter to order I could hear them talking about me plus Harmony's laughter. "How could I help you today?"

"Could I have a ice tea, creamy cooler the chocolate one ermm..." I turned around "does anyone else want anything?!" Niall's head popped up, "Yes please! Large Hot chocolate with everything in it!" The women tapped her fingers on the machine "Anything else?" she asked and I repeated the question louder "Oh cake! Anyone don't matter! Louis wants the same as me so does Liam!" I looked at the lady "got that?" I smiled kindly "what cake?" I looked at the glass cabinet. It was full of amazing looking cakes, I couldn't choose. Before I even thought about asking Niall which one he wanted he was up next to me with more orders from the boys and the choice of cake he wanted. His keen. "So this is what we want: one ice tea, one creamy ice chocolate thing, three large hot chocolates with all the things in it cream and marshmallows, a carmel coffee, one coffee and three wraps and seven chocolate cupcakes!"

"Bloody hell Niall!" I said out loud, "what's with the seven chocolate cupcakes?"

"One each!"

"Oh ok." The lady printed out the long list of things and it took 3 people to do all of it. Me and Niall went to sit down "drinking in?" A man shouted Niall looked at everyone who nodded "yes!" He shouted back in his Irish accent.

Harry was leaning against a wall next to where everyone was sitting. I leaned onto him with his arms wrapped around me and his chin resting on my shoulder. He kissed my cheek, I moved my head so our cheeks touched then said quietly "when you ringing your mum?" our eyes were both watching Harmony playing with the boys, Ed was putting a napkin over her face then pulling it off again. When they did they would pull faces at her causing her to clap and laugh. She was sat on Liam's lap bobbing up and down. "Dunno, before the show?" Being so close to Harry as he talked I noticed a soft northern tone in his angel like voice. His so laid back, easy going its amazing really, with his lifestyle I don't think I'll be laid back like him.

"Might be an idea. Should we go and see her before Christmas? So it wouldn't be like a shock?"

"She'll be fine with it, I miss being with my mum though..." I turned in his arm to my side and 'aww'ed at him, his cheeks blush a little "what?" Louis asked smiling because he over heard what we said and he sure that it was making Harry blush, "Harry misses spending time with his mum!" Everyone was listening and in unison let go a big "AWWW!" Harry went from one shade of red to a bright red. He hid his face behind my shoulder. "Your so cute." I started playing with his curls which I know he likes.

Our drinks and food came while Harry was nuzzling my neck. I pushed backwards into his stomach making him stop. I bent down to get mine and Harry's drink "Harry save it for later!" Ed said, I turned my head as I stood up straight "what? what did he just do?!" I asked concerned of what he might of been doing, and I had a thought of what he might of done hoping I wasn't right. "He was pretending to slap your ass and fucking you from the back." My mouth dropped like a goldfish. I elbowed Harry in the balls. "Your gross!" I moved away from him, I laughed in my head cause I have to admit it was something Harry would do.

"You didn't have to elbow me in the balls..." He groaned in pain. "I'm sorry..." I don't like him in pain "kiss it better!" Louis jumped up throwing his arms up in the air "no!" I hate being the only girl here, "what about later?" Harry moaned still in pain "maybe." Ed high-fived Harry "get in there!" He spoke in a more manly way. I rolled my eyes, no point saying anything anymore. They'll twist it into something dirty.

I hugged Harry "sorry baby boy." I kissed him lightly on the lips. I still had our drinks in my hands. Harry kept his arms wrapped around my body as I feed him, I put the straw of the drink in his mouth as I drank mine.

Louis P.O.V.

I whispered to all the boys who sat in a circle around Harmony, I leaned in "Harry Flirty Edward Styles is actually in love..."



I was wondering if anyone wanted a dedication on a chapter coming up or that they really liked?

I've never done one before so it would be pretty cool to decade chapters to you amazing people reading. Kind of a thank you for reading sort of thing I guess!

leave a comment if you want that^^^




Aly xoxo

P.S I want to read some good books on here they can be one direction or anything! or your own story post on my profile thing if you have any, thanks!

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