Chapter Twenty-Six

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Melody P.O.V.

A key slide under my door with a note attached it, like something from Alice in Wonderland. The note said ‘I’ll take Harmony outside for a walk you just get out. Ok! ~Mum x.’ A smile crept across my face, I felt really excited

 and happy for some reason. Was it because I was getting out of here? Or was it because I just wanted to kiss Harry so badly?

I’m craving the taste of his lips, the feeling of his against mine, the feeling of my fingers in his hair, as we pulls away the smile on his face and glim in his eye as he looks down at me. His like my personal drug. Mine and only mine.

I kissed the key which either opens the glass doors or the window.

I tried the doors, hoping it was the doors because I’m not the most agile person ever; I would probably fall out the window or something which will end up hurting me. But it was just my lucky that it was sadly for the window. I guess she gave me the key for the window because it’s on the side of the house not front so if The Man comes outside he won’t see me.

I slowly pushed the key into the lock. I turned it causing it to make a little ‘Click’ noise. I pressed my pram of my hand against the cold glass. I took in a deep breath then pushed. The window opened easier than I thought it would. It seemed as if it hadn’t been opened for a very long time. Obviously not…

The night air blow harshly over my face, the feeling was as if I was behind a glass of water and the glass wasn’t strong enough to hold the water which was compressing against it so hard it burst through hitting me in the face, taking my breath away. That is what it felt like but the fresh winter air cleaned my dirty face as I closed my eyes, taking as much of the fresh air into my dirty dusty damaged lungs.

When I opened my eyes I looked up into the twinkling stars which dotted and sparkled in the night sky like fairy lights on a Christmas tree, like the one in my living room next to the fireplace which me and Harry put up.

I shock my head remembering what was really going on, why the window was open in the first place. Why I was leaving the hell hole which once was called home. From the man I once called ‘Dad’. These thoughts defiantly brought me back to life, reality. I took one last deep breath before putting my hand onto the window ledge.  I pushed my entire weight onto this one hand as I sat my bum next to it. Then I placed my other hand down. Now for the scary part I said to myself. I swung my legs out into the cold air. I did what everyone says in the movies, don’t look down, just don’t look down! Then what do I do… Fuck! Why did I look down! Classic movie moment.

The wooden ledge was cold, it was freezing in fact, and ice was forming on it.

Now I was on the ledge I had to choices: 1) Jump? But it may lead to my death OR 2) carefully work my way across a piece of wood that leads to some metal steps that lead down to the ground more safely. In my case, I will most likely hurt myself either way, like I said before not very agile.

The winter wind was nipping at my nose and toes. The temperature must be below zero at this point. Snow started to fall again, resting on my clothes, turning them white. I tumbled my feet around to find the piece of wood. However one shoes dropped off my small feet onto the snow, it must of chosen the other option?

I flicked off the other shoe so it won’t feel more uncomfortable then I already was. The shoes landed in the snow with a thud.

Before, I stood up on the wooden edge; I looked for Harry’s car or any car in fact.I was incredible scared until I herd my mum’s voice from beneath me calling my name over and over till I forced myself to look down, “Melody, I’ll go get Harry just wake there.” I nodded and watched her walk around the house to the long driveway then disappear around the corner.

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