Chapter one ■

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I held Harmony in my arms calming her back to sleep by rocking her back and forth singing a little lullaby my mother used to sing to me when I was restless. "shh my sweet Harmony..." I kissed her on the top of the head next to her curly brown locks. Just like her dad must have. I have brown hair with blonde half way up my hair.

Harmony fell fast asleep but if I tried to put her down in her crib she will start to cry again. So I walked into the living room and sat on the tatty black sofa. I sat staight on the remote which turned the TV onto a random channel, MTV, it had it's music news on; The first thing was about Rihanna something about her amazing taste in fashion; the next about the wanted then other about a band which I have heard a little about nothing much just they were on x factor and teenage girls love them all over the world. I've heard people call them the next Beatles which is ridiculous, surely that can't be that popular. What's there name... One Direction perhaps?

I was about to change the channel when I saw a boy, I recognized him, like I knew him. But how? Where have I seen him? Then dimples of his when he smiles, they are just like my baby's who began to laugh and smile to the song as I held in my arms. No, no what am I thinking it can't be. Can it? His famous. He can't be the father of my child. One) his ridiculously famous and two) just no!

I turned the TV off, I needed time to think. I couldn't rush into this stupid idea as it's destined for a dead end. Also, I think it's just me being delirious and simply wanna my child to have a father and grow up in a whole family that my mind has made silly connection to a celebrity that happens to crazily similar to Harmony. That's all.

I got off the sofa and walked slowly into the bedroom along the corridor and turned right. I dragged my feet across the floor over to Harmony's crib. I placed her as carefully into the crib as I possible could. Trying not to wake her or make her restless.

I crept over to my bed just a few inches away from the babies crib. I climbed under the covers wishing I had someone next to me to keep me warm on a cold winter night like tonight. But im a strong indepent women, I don't need no man! Harmony and myself are happy the way we are but a complete family would just add just a little bit more of the incomplete puzzle just a bit more complete. It would also take a little of the weight off my shoulders that are going oh so heavy. Being are single parent is far from easy.

I laid in my bed thinking of the young man on TV. I ended up googling 'one direction' on my phone to see the eyes of the man. As I flicked through the pictures I found out the name of the boy with brown curly hair, Harry Styles, 21, on a website it was obviously a fan written page or something on Tumblr, it said he liked older women but he would never go out with someone over his mum's age. Which is understandable. His style is impeccable! His hair wasn't as long as it is now but he is more handsome, tattoo's decorated his slightly toned body which made my legs weak. I kept looking then typed in 'Harry Styles eyes'. My heart stopped as I scrolled through the tens of thousands, millions of photos of his eyes. That's when I knew he was the father of my child when I saw a clear photo, thousands of photos of his green eyes. I dropped my phone on the bed. "Harry?"

I laid down into my covers. Pulling them over my shoulders and turning onto my side. I laid on my hand under my face and thought 'how ironic, Harry is the father and I my little girl Harmony.' That was the last thought I had before I entered dream land.

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