Chapter Sixteen

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We danced. We danced our asses off. We all couldn't really dance though... but we all gave it a try! Alan won the show! With his amazing dance moves, you should of seen them! Blow me away. So we won, Alan and I. My slutty dancing and his Britain's got talent style dancing.

After the clapping from the audience stopped Alan said, "thank you from coming on the show boys! And Melody! Now your singing for us aren't you?" The boys looked at each other and nodded. Liam spoke up "our pleasure Alan." He smiled.

The camera's turned off and the light shinned 'off air' again. I walked off to the side of the room where the crew were putting objects on stage for the One Direction to sit on while they sing. "Lazy bastards." I whispered softly laughed under my breathe.

"God I love you!" A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist as lips started kissing my neck. I turned around to face the lover boy called Harry Edward Styles. The kisses traced up my neck to my lips. He didn't wait long, his tongue wanted to met mine for a little dance. Which I aloud to happen very happily.

I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck. Breaking our kiss for air, Harry rested his forehead on mine, kissing the tip of my nose the audience entered the room again. I completely forgot where I was... Some people start to wolf whistle who were in the room the whole time.

Harry's hand touched my cold cheek, His fingers played with some hairs which have become stray from my high ponytail. "I really want you right now." Harry whispered onto my skin, "lets have sex." 

"Harry! We are in a studio, where would we do it?" 

"In the dressing room!" Harry's dimples grow with a cheeky smile joined to it. He seemed happy with his idea. He took hold of my hand pulling in the direction of the stair and up stairs is where all the dressing rooms are. Harry was being serious?

Harry's pase quickened. 

"Will have to be quiet..." Harry put his finger to his lip as we stood outside the dressing room with 'One Direction' written on the door. Harry hand touched the door knob and twisted it, slowly opening the door he walked backwards facing me. I followed him into the room closing the door behind me. "Does it have a lock?" 


"Lock it." 


. . .

Ed's P.O.V 

"Has anyone seen Melody?" I walked into the set where I saw Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn sitting on stool like things "No but Have you seen Harry?"

"No." Harmony, Melody's baby, started to cry again. "shh..." I said as sweetly as I could but it didn't work, I need Melody. "We need to film this last part of the show!" A camera man said as he lent against the side of the large metal camera which he was meant to be operating. "We could go look for him?" 

"But where?" 

"What about outside?" I turned around to see the Essex boy, Jamie Oliver himself walking over to us. "Melody was out there before the show, she wanted some fresh air. Maybe she wanted more fresh air?" He has a point. Melody isn't used to being in places like this, with famous people and cameras pointing at her 24/7. It must be quite over whelming for her, I mean, she got into this because she is going out with a teen heart throb! Harry Styles. If Harry ever lets her go, I'll have her. She's fun, pretty, smart! She is also an awesome mother! I shouldn't think like this, shes Harry's girlfriend. Harry's my mate. 

"Alan would you look after Harmony?" I passed Alan the baby. He looked at her then me "thanks Alan!" I said before he could say anything. 

Liam and Niall headed to the toilets to see if Harry was in there but they didn't know how to check if Melody was in the girls toilet. I just left them to figure it out while me, Louis and Zayn walked around the studio looking for the two missing people. "When was the last time you saw them?" I asked, "Just after the interview." 

"They were snogging..." Louis added. "You don't think?" Louis continued, "They wouldn't." Zayn laughed "its Harry we're talking about, he would!" 

"Where would they do it?" 

"...The dressing room!?" Zayn, Louis and I all looked at each other with smirks on our faces. "Ready?" Louis started, Zayn said "Set." The I finish with "GO!" We ran through the studio, through the set where Alan was still trying to make Harmony shut up. Up the metal stairs. Down the empty corridor. Then we stopped outside the dressing room. 

We stood outside the door for a second to listen. No noise. Maybe they weren't having sex... Maybe they weren't even in there! But that was proved wrong when the door unlocked with a Click. The door started to open. Then suddenly slammed shut again, "Harry wait!" It was Melody talking, "I need to put my top back on, idiot." She laughed, wow she has a pretty laugh... Shut up! Shut up! What am I thinking! "Ready?" Harry's voice was croaky, "no, hold on." The door started to open again. 

"Hello Harry." I spoke making Harry jump out of his skin, "Ed! Lou! Zayn! Hi..." He looked down at his feet "Harry what you- Oh hi..." I laughed we made them feel really awkward. "You two, stop making more babies and just look after the one you've already got! She's crying her little head of!" Melody automatically pushed passed everyone leaving Harry behind to go to her baby. 

"So Harry?" ....


Hey Guys

Sorry this one was kinda short =/

I've been SUPER! Super busy with Christmas and everything. 

Talking about Christmas I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and eaten ten times  amount of food then normal! And also you got what you wanted for Christmas =)) 

The next Chapter will be longer PROMISE! 

Love you all. 


Remember to....



Comment! xoxox

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