Chapter 9 □

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I woke up smiling this morning. I woke up because I felt soft lips touching my neck, kissing it, little sweet gentle kisses. I reached my arm behind me and took hold of the arm of the man kissing my neck. I wrapped his bare arm around my body. I was going to say something but I didn't want to screw up this peaceful moment were having. I'm sure Harry will soon anyway.

He didn't. We laid together in silence.

His fingers trailled up and down my delicate pale arm. Harry kissed my neck then down my shoulds. I traced over his tattoos on his arm that I wrapped around myself like a blanket. I feel so safe with Harry.

I rolled onto my other side to face Harry. He had fallen asleep again. I started to play with the hair above his eyes, he look so sweet and innocent. His curls were so soft. A little smile was lingering on Harry's lips as he slept. I stopped for a second to check the time, (which was 10:55am) I turned back to Harry, whose eyes fluttered open, I smiled, he didn't. The little smile had gone. "Why'd you stop?" His face turned into a sad puppy dog face, "I like it when you do that." I didn't need to say a word, tapped him on the nose then started to play with his hair again.

The time was getting on, Harry was fast asleep. I didn't want to wake him... but all I could think about was Harmony. I miss her again. When I miss her, I know she misses me.

I sat up on the bed and picked up my phone from the bedside table. Mum had text me: When are you picking Harmony up? She's crying and it's annoying your father... I can't get her to stop she wants you, or Harry. That was his name, right? love from mum xxx I looked at Harry. I moved my head down to his and kissed him gently on the cheek.

I slowly moved the cover off of my body keeping my phone in my hand, I noticed Harry didn't have any on, he must be so cold. I took the cover which was still warm with my body heat over Harry's cold body.

I try to walk out of the room as quietly as I could but the floor boards cracked as my weight pressed down on them. I went into Harry's jean pockets to look for his car keys. I sat on the floor empting his pockets but I couldn't find the keys.

"Baby, what are you doing?" I jumped a little, I turned around to see Harry pulling himself up in the bed to sit up. "Mum text me saying Harmony is crying, Dad is pissed off because she wouldn't shut up whatever they do. They need me or you to pick her up."

"You could of woken me up?" Harry yawn showing off one of his tattoos under his arm of a star. "You looked so peaceful and sweet..." I put his things into his pockets. Harry pulled the cover off of himself. He was wearing only Calvin Klein boxers and socks. "I woke you up by kissing you." He has a point, "you look incredible cute!" I got off my knees. "I'll come with you to your parents house. I wanna meet your da-" my face dropped. I don't want him to met my dad, my dad will just be mean to me and him. Its not fair how he treats me, his gonna treat Harry the same or worst! "You ok sweetheart?"

"Just my dad.. He hates me and he'll hat-" Harry srank down to my height putting his hands on my shoulders, looking deep into my eyes "he doesn't hate you. No father could hate their own daughter!" Harry kissed the tip of my nose then looked back into my eyes "I know, I'm a dad."

"We better get dressed."

"You gonna have a shower?" I shock my head "no, you can if you want?" I said opening my wardrobe, I when onto my tiptoes to grab a box of clothes down which was crammed at the top of my over filled, untidy wardrobe. "I might." Harry came behind me. Without any effort Harry pulled the box down. "What's this?" Harry asked passing me the box. I throw it onto the bed, opening it up and pulling out a pair of sweat pants and a plain white V neck t-shirt. "These used to be my brothers before he went into war. I kept them so I would have him around. His alive and well, married also. And I still have his clothes and you can't wear the same clothes as yesterday. These are also more comfortable!" I picked them up off the bed and walked into the bathroom. I placed the clothes next to the sink for Harry to put on after he finished in the shower.

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