Untitled Part 13

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the time was finally here i was batshit nervous my nerves where getting the best of me both my babies where the centre of attention everyone and i mean everyone that i held close to me was here. i began to tremble until i felt the warmth and scent of mate envelope me silencing my jitters all at once.

it all happened in a flash the sound of bones cracking and whimpering met my ears i was so afraid to look i could not stand to see them in pain "violet it's over i want to meet my pups" feeling my own bones shift i gave ty full control i knew that this was a big momment for both of us ...on the ground laid two balls of fur one black and one white they where the exact replica of their father and i.

you would think that life can be such a hell hole, a down slide i mean like a roller coaster that doesnt stop descending. a piece of glass absoulutely shattered with a point of no return, that happiness ceases to exsist .

darkness is such a scary thing it consumes every part of you leaving no place for light and yet somehow thats where i found my bliss , my peace of mind , my happiness. looking back on the events that happened each and every trial and tribulation could have broken me that could have made me end my life only made me stronger to lead up to this very momment.

the sight of my family was enough to make me proud of how much i have accomplished. i found true love in a demon who only knew darkeness was enough to put a smile on my face, in the most impossible place called hell if this doesnt prove that love can be found in the most craziest of places then i have no idea what is.

"precious?" i turned around to find asmo with a curious look gracing his perfect face i made my way towards him "what's wrong sweetheart?" this man did things to me without even trying and i would not have it any other way...

i pulled his head towards me kissing him intensly to feel every emotion that i felt towards at first he was shocked but then emitting a growl he deepened the kiss ... needing to breathe i pulled away. he was my demon , my devil most of all he was my mate "i love you asmodeous" .

"i love you to violet"

my name is violet storm , i am a mother of a stunning girl and devlishly handsome boy, im a tri-brid , i am mated to the demon of lust himself but most importantly im hell's princess.

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