part 11

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hey guys its been a while sorry for not updating just been going through some tough times i was actually thinking of taking down violet cause i felt as if it was not good enough but i find peace in writing it helps me escape reality puts me in a different headspace so i would really appreciate it if you'll could comment as it helps me correct my mistakes

thank you for you'lls time here's an update hope you'll enjoy!!!!


"It's good to see you still alive" I looked at my angel I really do not care how old she gets or how many children she has she will always be my angel ...I let out a laugh she dropped on the bed next to me I made it my duty to come to visit ammie as well as make sure that the law firm was still in good condition. and I was worried about her asmo had also noticed she was not herself but told me not to force anything and wait for her to be ready to open up.

asmodeous and I had a huge argument about me going back to work but it was a dream something that I loved treasured and worked so hard for how he could want me to just forget about me we did not talk for 3 weeks until he realized he was being unreasonable...

"trinity has been driving me mad and max does not want to give in" I looked at ammie perplexed she sighed "she does not want to stay away from mammon for a second the moment he leaves to go back home she starts to go into a depressed state and max being an over protective father does not want to budge when I told him to at least allow him to stay till she falls asleep ...she does not even want to listen to reason vi. max and I have been at each other's throat due to this"

she had dark bag under her eyes , lips chapped, a complexion that was to pale for my liking , I knew something was wrong but did not make any mention of my observations instead I gave her a suggestion "how about trinity can come spend the weekend with me and asmo it will be a win win situation max will not stress cause he knows what I did to him the first time I caught him in your room" ammie blushed while I laughed "you'll two can have time with each other and trin will get to spend time with  mammon"

"absolutely not are you off your head  ammie" ammie growled getting pissed off with her mate eyes turning liquid not liking the fact that his was screaming at her "listen here max as much she is OUR life you cannot keep her away from her mate can you not see the toll its taking on her , I understand as a father that you want to be protective of your cub but I trust my sister to castrate mammon if he tries anything and even more I trust mammon not to hurt his mate or force the bond ...babe you know exactly of the damage caused when you kept away from your mate i am tired of our arguments max we cannot keep going on like this why can you not just accept that fact that mammon is her mate I know you are scared of losing your only child but if you keep behaving this way she is going to begin to resent you do you really want that babe? you know exactly how stubborn she is I do not want anything to happen to her or to us can you not see the damage it is doing to our bond I am tired love so damn tired of it being the same thing over and over i am also scared of losing her, but she is not going anywhere anytime soon and instead of making good memories with her and us look at what's happening my love. " Tears pooled into her eyes I guess she was tired of arguing and needed a break max face softened and he emitted a low whining sound feeling the hurt and every other emotion of his mate through the bond he wrapped his arms around her "okay"... max held onto ammy and kissed her hard "okay you to let me get my niece out of here I do not need her being ruined" they both chuckled i am glad that they managed to work things out I hated to see them in that state especially when i know the amount of love they have for each other.

"aunt vi how long am I going to be with you? is it scary? do the demons have blood dripping from their eyes? can you walk on lava? will? " I watched as a slight blush covered her face and knew exactly what or rather who she had wanted to enquire about

"Well, I spoke to your mum and dad, and they had agreed that you could spend every weekend with me and uncle asmo but you have to behave young lady " I said sternly making sure there was no room for argument but at the same time not too harsh " and no sweetheart I don't think there is anything scarier than Uncle Beelzebub when someone eats his fudge" she chuckled ...

"MAMMON, COULD YOU WAIT FOR ME BY THE ENTRANCE PLEASE MIGHT NEED YOUR HELP"... I awaited a response from him "DO I HAVE TO IM KINDA BUZY AT THE MOMMENT" the tone said it all I knew he was not himself he had not been eating properly or sleeping either just laying around wallowing in self-pity and I guessed why "YES YOU HAVE TO" he sent me a wave of annoyance through the mind link but agreed in the end

"Okay trinity sweetheart I need you to hold on tight to me" she squealed with glee how the hell did this niece of mine enjoy teleportation up till now I hate it feels like someone's pulling me apart. I held on to her tight and pictured the entrance to my home....

"We have arrived princess" she slid out of my arms as I tried to regain my balance, she looked around awe struck her eyes landing on one particular spectacle or rather one person

"Princess?!".... mammon stood there breathless as she ran towards him not believing the sight in front of him tears streamed down her face as she gripped onto him and soaking in his scent's don't cry it's okay, I am right here ...are you hurt? did aunty vi scold you? what's wrong please do not cry" he was telling her not to cry but I could see how hard he was trying not to break down himself so much for Mr. tough guy I snort.

"I missed you cupcake" if it were not for our impeccable wolf hearing we would have missed it mammon sighed kissing her head "I missed you to let's get you inside and cleaned up, okay?" Trinnity nodded I allowed the two to make their way inside following behind.


and that's it for now folks please do vote and comment would really appreaciate your feedback....

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