Part 10

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The pain I felt at one stage consumed my entire being darkening my soul... Sucking the joy out of my life day in and day out night after night all I knew was salty tears bruises betrayal and hurt. A turmoil in me a never-ending war of decisions that I had to make just to satisfy his needs and wants little did I know I was slowly losing myself trying to find him. I called love at one stage the foolish little girl I had told me that patience is the key, and this was how love was supposed to be that it was all the arguments all the abuse which will make the bond stronger.... she did not deserve anything she had been through; she had not deserved to be broken and shunned by the cruel we live. I was to blame for even allowing such a thing to harm her, to crush her soul and take away the spring in her step. to ruin her understanding and belief in true love and happily ever after.

And yet now as I stand on the balcony looking down at the man or demon rather who has shown me the true meaning of love... Giving me bliss peace and tranquility in the most ironic setting called hell made me realize that love doesn't only bring one pain... Oh no, it doesn't it rather brings about one's true form making them a better person being loved by the right person helps you grow into a beautiful cherry blossom whose beauty knew no bounds... we all have flaws we all are toxic but for the right person, we are willing to change these flaws.

It wasn't suffocating it was breath taking... It gave you a glow as if you have swallowed a thousand sun's whilst the stars danced a crossed your body twinkling at every turn or movement... It made you cry oh yes it did... it made you spill tears of immense joy... it was not always perfect, but it was strong enough to overcome the toughest of situations.

He looked up a smile gracing his face in the act of catching me Starring at him. I blushed not ashamed but rather that he knew exactly what I was thinking and every emotion I had felt through the mate bond...he sent me a wave of reassurance reminding me that he was mine just as much as i was his and nothing in the world could ever change that.

Athena and Titus ran around their father who beckoned them that it was time for a bath... Athena pouted whilst shaking her head refusing to go inside until titan bargained that they could watch a movie together when she was done at that my little princess made her way inside...I hope titan knew that he was probably going to watch Mulan again , I guess he did not mind as long as it made Athena happy , the poor guy was smitten I cannot begin to imagine how bad he will have it when she reaches her teen years.

Titus had mud covering him from head to toe and did not surprise me when he decided that he was not the only who was going to get a scolding from mummy and messed asmo up to they made their way towards me asmo could not help but laugh at Titus... "WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE THE STERN ONE BABY?"

Asmo just shrugged his shoulders after hearing my thoughts while I growled in disapproval at the condition of father and son "you are taking a bath with him, or you can spend the night with Cerberus in the basement" I knew if I use this line and tone asmo will not be able to deny me... also he knew I always came through with these threats. he learnt how serious i was after he came home pissed drunk as he had gone out on a guy's night, I refused to let him anywhere near me. he knew I did not have a problem with him drinking but rather how much he drank this was the third time and I was pissed and made sleep with Cerberus whilst giving him the cold shoulder for an entire week. however, he apologized if you ever want things to take the next level in the bedroom make up sex is the way to go.

He nodded meekly and made his way to the bath after Athena came out looking all comfy in her wolf pj's that titan had got her she giggled as she ran into my arms. I embraced her in a warm yet tight hug which was short lived the moment she smelt her mate's scent." enjoy your movie sweety and do not worry Tritan to much okay" she nodded her head vigorously.

I made my way into the kitchen I hadn't seen none of the boys that much lately and it bugged me I missed having them around especially Beelzebub he always had a snack on hand every time I got hungry...

Sighing and having nothing better to do I made my way to check on Titus I needed quality time with my baby boy... Me and Athena always spent time together no I did not have a favorite I loved them both equally however Titus was more of a daddy's boy and to prove my point I found both of them busy splashing away in the bathtub ....

"I swear you act more like a child then your children asmo" guess who ended up bathing Titus, yes yours truly and I had to clean up the huge mess made by father and son since they both were dead to the world after the hot bath, please not motherhood is not for the weak or faint hearted.

they looked so adorable sleeping on the couch i did not have it in my heart to take her away from her mate placing  a blanket over them i switched the tv off and made my to our room only to see my son on top of his whilst both of them were snoring his dad being absolutely loud and him being the cutest placing myself slowly under the blanket I felt small hands pull at my shirt " mama hold mama hold" I chuckled as I cuddled my baby boy both of us falling asleep peacefully.

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