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making her way towards the door she heard a thunderous growl she knew it was not asmo but rather a growl that made her smile she could also hear asmo grumbling at someone wanting to confirm her thoughts she made her way to the back of the house.

only to find asmo laying flat on his back with the ceberus towering over him growling " you big damn mutt i can not believe you came just cause of vi she's fine i swear i did not touch her you stupid dog" i chuckled ceberus had managed to find way to create portals and he mostly showed up when he felt my distress it was a bond he had formed with  me. he saw me as his mother since i had saved him.

he was about lean in further to snap at asmo but then his heads picked up as if something had caught his attention he sniffed at the air than giving up a loud yelp bounded towards me ..."woah big boy easy" three sloppy tongues licked me i eeked but laughed "i am fine see all good" he whinned and pulled at me to sit so he could lay down on me , how you ask ? ceberus had the ability to turn into a puppy when he wanted to be cuddled. 

obeying i sat down crossed legged only to find a black ball of fur wrapping itself ontop of me already gently caressing him i heard a snoft snore " you big baby"...

looking up i notice asmo awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck , he approached me only for ceb to growl at him " she's my damn mate you mingy mutt" asmo grumbled while cebby just huffed and fell back asleep. "vi i ..." looking at him and shook my head his face dropped and body slouched thinking that i wasn't going to forgive him.

"let's take this inside okay" i whispered trying not wake up the baby in my arms as managed to maneuver him slowly.

placing him on the bed he stretched his paws and went back into a slumber i heard asmo grumble something about the mutt being more loved than him rolling my eyes i pointed to the kitchen.

he followed me slowly keeping a good distance afraid of how i would react "asmodeous what's going on? these past few days you haven't been yourself, you can't expect me to know what's wrong if you don't tell me. how am i supposed to be there for you? how am i suppose to help you or understand if you don't communicate?"...

his face held a huge amount of guilt "i am scared okay!" he looked away and slouched on the barstool " im scared that you are going to wake up and feel i can't give you the love you deserve, im scared that you going to see me for the monster i really am and decide you can't put up with me or my past i have done alot of wrong vi my hands are stained with blood of the gruesome acts that i have committed and they always said that the princes of hell have no weakness but they were wrong you are my weakness but also my strength. everyday it takes every ounce of power i have to refrain from blowing their heads into smithereens cause i hear the disgusting and vulgar thoughts they have off you , im afraid violet this is so  foreign to me im not used to feeling these emotions i'm so used to being on my own im not sure handle these feelings of mine and sometimes it get so bad that i have to lock myself away just so i don't hurt anyway , you never saw how evil i can actually be you always bring out this soft side and im not sure how to handle that im so used to being strong and arrogant but when im around you i see a different side of me and it scares me cause if i become weak how do i protect you ? how do make sure you are safe? sometimes i ask the moon goddess what sick joke she made of me by pairing me  with someone as delicate and fragile as you? i know what i said was totally out of proportion and i don't think i will be able to forgive myself for what i made you feel today especially knowing that's how you felt for five years of your life and i promised to not ever repeat that behavior or to control myself but today everything became to much and i exploded especially after i saw the images he had of you in his mind and all the vile things he thought he could get away with ...i just want you to be safe i want to be the reason for your smile and happiness i don't want to be the reason for your tears and yet i had done the exact oppisite , there is no excuse for my behaviour"....

and there he was so broken so fragile tears spilled on to his cheeks he had let out all of his insecurities and fears how could i hate him for that? how could i even think of leaving him? he was just like me well not entirely but you catch my drift.

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