part 3

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"Mum honestly I can't eat anymore. I am stuffed". asmodeus laughed, I was honestly stuffed which makes me wonder how the hell does bezel eat that much "the demon of gluttony crackhead" oh yeah thanks for the reminder ty I responded sarcastically, it is so hard to get her to communicate Athena only came through once to remind me that she will always be a part of me. yes, she was scary, but she was me in a different form and I had respected her choices after she told me everything of her past it was a bittersweet moment.

"I miss you around here you know " I smiled at angel "so that is why I told Kate and Mia that we are going to down under tonight" ammie gave me a sheepish smile. "You know the boys are not ever going to let us go alone, right?" she laughed knowing how true this was if they could help it, they would lock us in the house and wrap us with bubble wrap.

"That is why I suggested they come with plus we need to catch up the last we partied together was before you left which was like what say 2 months?" she was right. "let's hope asmo agrees to this" I sighed.

"Agree to what?" ammie squealed telling him what she had planned somehow, he could never refuse he she had us both wrapped around her finger. "No problem". I quirked my eyebrow knowing full well that there were some unspoken words between them.

" I cannot handle him vi from the time you left his been howling, not allowing any of us to go near him he just starts growling". I chuckled at how dramatic Satan can be at times. "Thank you for trying though bro."

"Aww did my baby miss mummy" he curled up on my lap whimpering. I noticed that some of his scars had begun to heal which provided me with some sense of relief. ceb picked his head up and gave my hand a lick, I smiled at him, giving him each one of them a quick peck on their head I placed him on the bed. I treated him like a baby most of the time which made asmo jealous, it was funny seeing getting jealous of a cute puppy. I chuckled at the memory.

I made my way to the closet to find something to wear tonight. searching I found my black and gold spaghetti strap dress with a sweetheart neckline. "What do you think about this cebby?" he picked his head up and yelped in approval "hahaha so I guess I will be wearing this"...

"Wearing what?" I looked up to see my mate standing by the door, I quickly pushed the dress into my draw "nothing" I said with a big and innocent smile. "Somehow I do not believe that, but I will let you have your moment of fame" I hummed an incoherent whatever.

asmodeus made his way towards me. in a blink of an eye Cerberus was in front of growling "Cerberus behave" he growled even louder this time. "Woah boy calm down that is my mate you know". it took me a while to notice that the aura around asmodeous was pitch black.

"Babe where are you?" I waited for a response from the asmodeus in front of me to my surprise he replied through the mind link "chambers love one of the demons have escaped" a small chill ran up my spine "is this demon by any chance a shape shifter" ...

"Vi do not do anything wait for me" wow really "my dear mate why do you have such little faith in me?" Cerberus growled his heads baring their sharp and vicious teeth "now now cebby no need to get violent mummy's got this". I immediately created a water sphere knocking over the demon.

within seconds a huge shadow loomed over the demon. who cowered away I stared in amazement at the true size of Cerberus what shook me even more was the mere fact that his head did not break the ceiling he let out a roar at the demon.

"Precious are y..."asmodeus and the guards stood petrified as they took in Cerberus form. "Just peachy" I made my way towards my baby "let mummy take over now sweet pea" I managed to pat beh's head as he moved away but giving a warning growl to the demon.

once cebby was out of the way I snapped my fingers. black mist appeared wrapping itself around the demon his tortured screams rang in my ears and just like that he vanished "don't worry asmo his back in the chambers , however I suggest you implement a better security system" i growled at the guards who hung their heads in shame.

"TRITAN" he appeared in front of me in a matter of seconds "Tritan may I know what is that you do around here?" Tritan nodded at me "I am but a mere servant your highness".

"I see Tritan do you know how every pack follows a system of power?" I asked him. "Yes, your highness". "Do you know what's a beta?" I awaited his response "yes your highness" I smiled. "Good cause you are the beta; the chambers are under your control and so are the rest of the demons. but may I warn you if I find out that you are abusing this role and power, I will decapitate you, without hesitating. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?"

"Yes, your highness" I nodded in approval "you'll are dismissed". once they vanished, I made my way to cebby "well well look whose all grown up" he whimpered at my statement "awwwh my big  baby do not worry mummy will always love you".

"asmo can we put him in the basement, I will ask Madeline to make it comfy" I patted Res's head his eye seemed to be healing "asmo did you hear me?"

"Huh?", oh yes princess" he looked petrified "is everything okay babe?" he broke into a smile "peachy babe". I hugged him " you looked so damn sexy giving out orders around like"  i kissed his neck and heard him purr " I am in the mood for you to give me my orders my dear mate" smirking at him with a hint of naughtiness in my voice, let's just say i took a a while to see to cebby

getting ceberus to stay in the basement was a pain eventually I rather ty took over and damn was she scary she went into full mother mode even mammon shut up with his jokes.

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