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How could one person have so much of power over another and cause them so much pain and suffering? I knew this was bound to happen, but my heart wanted him and who was I to stop it? I let out an ear-piercing scream as my silent tears turned into heavy sobs. My heart had betrayed me and now there was nothing left of it but shattered pieces. The confidence that I once had was no more I had become weak. I picked my body up as I continued to shake with pain anger and frustration.

I remembered those honey brown eyes and the warmth that they gave me. The devilish smirk that could bring any girl to her knees. His strong arms wrapped around me protectively. That soft lips gave me butterflies. Why? why was it too good to be true I felt the pain in my chest expand as I remembered the day, he had asked me to be his


I was with Kate teasing her about Drey laughing and messing around " really vi grow up we no more sixteen" I laughed even harder until she said the words that caught me to shut up.

" so I'm going to see Drey since you are getting a visitor" she smirked at me that little vixen I shook my head at her not to leave but it was too late.

"I see you all alone?" a deep voice spoke one that did things to me that are a sin to mention. "Um hey Damien how are you doing?" I laughed guilty.

"I'm well " he flashed a million-dollar smile, God forgive me for my thoughts.

"SOOO umm I need to get to class, and I guess I'll see you later" I started hurriedly walking away.

"Violet wait up I need to ask you something" Damien looked nervous making me feel even weirder than I already was.

" sure, go ahead" I waited patiently.

" Violet I was wondering" he scratched his neck awkwardly " you were wondering?" I looked at him weirdly "violet go out with me?" I looked at him stunned unable to process what he had just said "dam...Damia...." i stuttered . "please violet I really ..." i held my hand up "Damien calm down I would love to" .He looked shocked at first and then gave me that devilish smirk of his, as he came closer to me I looked up into his honey brown eyes making me go weak in the legs I closed my own as I felt the softness of his lips on mine so perfect I pulled away with cheeks as red as tomatoes as he smiled at me

End of flasflashback

I had not realized how far I had walked my legs carrying me further and further away from the water back to my parent's condo. I took deep breaths to calm myself down my dress had been messed with alcohol I didn't have the strength to speak or even look at my parents as I made my way up to my room. I stripped off my dress and drenched myself in the hot shower as my sobs racked my body. I got out and dried myself threw on my t-shirt and succumbed to my bed. My mind which I had begged not to do this began to replay today's events in my head.

Couple hours earlier

After class, Damien decided to walk me to my car my heart leaped as I felt him entwine his hand in mine. It's four years of us together and still these little actions made my heart leap. I noticed Stacy looking at me coldly but brushed it off.

"so, there is a party tonight since it's the end of our colleage life  you want to come with?" I smiled at him and placed a soft peck on his lips." yes ", he pulled me towards him and gave me a kiss that lingered on my lips longer than I had anticipated it to. "Pick you up at 6". I jumped in my Lambo and drove off to my flat I had to rent a place since campus had been too far away from home.

By 4:30 I had begun to get ready, I pulled on my purple cocktail dress with my black heels I had my make-up on very lightly and to finish off my look I curled my black hair. hearing my doorbell, I made my way down. I smiled as I saw my prince in his dashing dress top and black neat fit jeans "violet" he whispered my name giving me goosebumps his eyes held lust after taking in my attire my cheeks flushed remembering the last time this happened. "Damian, we need to go" I quickly dragged him out before things could get heated.

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