Part 4

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I let my hair cascade down my back keeping it straight since I was too lazy to curl it having this long hair should be a sport or maybe a competition I would definitely win not to brag or anything. my makeup which I always loved to keep to a bare minimum graced my face. the dress fitted perfectly which had been my concern since I had over did it with the eating but any who I glanced once more at myself pleased with my look I made my way out.

"Your highness the prince had said to pass the message that he had an urgent errand that needed his attention so he will meet you at the venue" I smiled Madeline was such a sweetheart "thank you Hun ...oh and Madeline please make sure cebby is fed I had a word with him about being nice to you take Tritan with you if you would like" she nodded in appreciation and vanished. Cerberus enjoyed toying with Madeline who is a shapeshifter at first, I was very wary of her but like I said never judge a book by its cover she had a very tough and cruel life I guess we all have sinned some way or the another.

"Why don't you try teleporting again?" I smirked ty you mean ass I got it right once I know I can get it right again. I shut my eyes and envisioned myself in the club. opening my eyes everything was pitch black for a moment I thought I was lost and curious, oh my god what if I had walked into something dangerous? what if I run into a monster and asmo never finds me? I do not want to die I am too young to die, during me being my dramatic self   I heard a whisper in my ear "follow the candles precious and calm down " I smiled until one thought crossed my mind what candles was, he talking about?

one by one the pathway lit up with candles showing off the floor tainted with rose petals I followed the trail only to see a sight that made me tear there was my mate under a gazebo on one knee beckoning me forward. my feet moved on their own accord.

"My dear precious was freaking torture being so far apart from you the first few years of your birth .it became even more torturous seeing you blossom into such a beautiful flower but unable to gather your scent. it pained me every day and night to see the trials and tribulations that you have faced in life but with all that I am proud of the woman that stands in front of me. my love I have no idea what good deed a demon like me had done to deserve such an angel and I know no matter how I high or how low I search I will never find another like you violet so my dear violet we already soulmates chosen by faith now will you be my soulmate chosen by your heart and marry me?"

I stood their dumbfounded tears spilling uncontrollably at first I thought this was a dream but from the pureness in my demon's eyes I knew this was all very real "YESSSS OH MY GOD YESS" i screamed out loud he placed the ring on my finger and no sooner than that his warm lips embraced me shouts and screams sounded around us as all the lights came on a surprise took over my face as I saw everyone close and dear to me surround us.

"congratsss sissss" ammie squealed "ammie you little minx you'll had this planned" she just giggled I hugged her until I felt a bump, I pulled back giving her a questioning look she blushed "you going to be an aunt".  I was shocked so to speak my angel was bringing another angel into this world her mum would have been so proud of her oh god here come the water works within minutes ammie and I were bawling our eyes out " I am so happy for you my baby" holding her onto her tight she was and will always be the source of my comfort.

"asmoooo I am going to be an aunt and you going to be an uncle" asmo looked taken aback until he hugged ammie and max I smiled at them "soooo bitchahco time for a bridal shower I laughed at Mia and Kate who could not stop the waterworks.

"sooo my soon to be wife do you not think this  calls for a celebration" whilst holding onto me and dancing asmo whispered seductively in my ear "why my dear husband if I am not mistaken, I am sure that could be left for the honeymoon" I bit his mark in an innocent manner causing him to growl... so much for waiting for our honeymoon my greedy mate .I shall leave the rest to you'll imagination.

double update whoop whoop!!! my dear readers i would really love to hear your thoughts and opnions on this good or bad please comment and vote...

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