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"Kookie!! Look! I made this for you."

Little Jimin showed crown of clover flower to Jungkook.

"You are a king now." Jimin said while placing crown on Jungkook's head.

"Thank you hyung." Jungkook smile widened. He ran on grassy land to show his crown to Taehyung.

"You look good Kookie. But I couldn't make it for you." Sad smile appeared on Taehyung face. He tried to make crown but he failed like 15 times if we count.

"I will tell you how to make it Tae."

"Really chim." Taehyung face lit up but suddenly changed into a sad pout.

"But I wanted to make one for Yoonie hyung too."

"Then take this I made this is for Yoongi hyung. You can gave him." And there Jungkook felt little bit jelous. He thought Jimin only made crown for him because he is special to him.



Yoongi was on the swing caressing a ring bigger than his finger. He looked up when he heard Jungkook. His eyes stuck on Jungkook's crown.

"Jiminie hyung made for you too, so don't eye on my crown."

Yoongi got up from the swing to go to Jimin. A small smile formed on his lips.

Jungkook put his foot on Yoongi's way. Yoongi tripped over Jungkook's legs and fell on the grassy land.

Yoongi lost his ring. He searched everywhere he didn't found it. Jungkook thought what Yoongi was searching for.


Yoongi turned and threw a hard punch in Jungkook face. Jungkook fell on the ground.

Yoongi eyes filled with tears and anger. He sat on Jungkook's stomach and beat him.

Jimin and Taehyung ran to them when they saw Yoongi beating Jungkook.

"Hyung stop!!." Jimin yelled.

Taehyung grabbed Yoongi to stop him but he pushed him far.

Yoongi didn't listen and continue beating until Jimin covered Jungkook.

Jimin pushed Yoongi off from Jungkook.

" Hyung!!..You are a monster. Look!! he is bleeding because of you." Jimin cried seeing Jungkook's bruised face.


"Don't call me that. I hate you."


Jimin carried Jungkook on his back and glared at Yoongi before he leaves.

"Hyung! What exactly happened?"

"Taehyung...........go with them."


"He can't carry Jungkook alone to the home. Help him."

"O-okay. But wait for me. I will come back."

As soon as Taehyung figure turned into a dot. Yoongi cried.

"I didn't want to do that. I didn't mean to do that. I am sorry. I'm not a monster." Yoongi muttered between his cries.

After a hours Taehyung came back to Yoongi who was still on the same place.

"Hyung!!" Taehyung called softly.

🍁Love Breeze🍁 (Jikook/Yoonmin)Where stories live. Discover now