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Jungkook and Jimin hastily drove to the hospital, when they saw a message on their group chat.

Jimin prayed all his way to the hospital. His all friends were already there, he couldn't see anyone around but Yoongi outside the ICU, looking so vulnerable...

"Hyung!' He whispered...

"Ji-jimin!" Yoongi quivered his lips. He bit his lips so he couldn't let his tears fall...

The doctor and Nurses came out from the room.

"Doctor!.. how is he?" Taehyung asked...

The doctor had a serious face which made Yoongi anxious more...

"We are sorry! We couldn't save him."

Yoongi felt like the floor sunk into the earth. He couldn't feel his legs and hands. His whole body limped... "No!.. you are lying!.. Don't say that!.. Save him!.. save him, Doctor! You are a doctor, it's your duty. You should know how to save a life." Yoongi screamed... "Please save him!" He joined him both hands to beg.

"Yoongi!.. control yourself." Jin gave a pitying look and patted his shoulder to comfort him...

"Tell him to save my grandpa!.. Jin hyung!" Tears that he didn't let fall overflowed from his eyes...

"We are sorry for the loss. He came here several times. I know him. When he first came here, he had terminal cancer. His other organ was already affected by that cancer. It wasn't curable..." The doctor said and left the place.

"How come I didn't know? He hid it from me. He spent most of his time inside the room, took pills. All that was a sign for me but I didn't understand... It's my fault... I didn't take good care of him." Yoongi mumbled... He plopped on the floor... "I couldn't even able to hear his voice for the last time. I am so unfortunate..."

Jimin didn't know what to say to comfort Yoongi. He was becoming weak... He bent down and circle his back gently...

Yoongi was broke. Every time he feels like destiny brought happiness in his life, he lost it...

"Don't say that hyung!.. we are with you," Taehyung said... He never saw Yoongi so weak... 

"Taehyung ah!.. I became an orphan again."

Taehyung's heart broke. Yoongi was in pain and he couldn't do anything for him.

"Yoongi hyung!.. we all are with you. You have to be strong." Namjoon said.

Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok surrounded Yoongi. They were in tears because their friend lost someone important.

Though Jungkook doesn't like Yoongi, he felt bad for him.


In Grandpa's funeral...

Yoongi didn't know his relatives. So only his friends and teachers came to the funeral.

Taehyung's mother also came leaving her all meetings and paperwork behind when she heard the news about Yoongi's grandfather...

She hugged Yoongi as soon as she spotted him... He was like her son because Yoongi's mother was her best friend. Though Yoongi decided to live with his grandpa, she always had worried for him...

Yoongi became quiet... So quiet... He seemed lost, thinking something deep...

It was getting dark everyone left one by one. Taehyung, Mrs Kim, Jungkook, Holy and Jimin remained there...

Jimin approached Yoongi... "Hyung!.. let's go home!" He whispered...

Yoongi slapped Jimin's hand... "Let's break up!"

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