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Jungkook saw Taehyung when he turned back.

"Wait!..." Taehyung bent down on his knees. Jungkook was puzzled at first then he blushed when Taehyung tied his shoelaces.

Other students were looking at them. He quickly made straight face and said,

"What you want?"

"You!...I want you."

This sentence from Taehyung made him blush more.

"I mean.........I want you for our project work. Where and when will we start?"

"Y-you say."

"Ummm..... tomorrow at my place."

"Y-your p-place." Jungkook blushed once again.

Taehyung liked how Jungkook is still so shy around him. He missed seeing Jungkook like this.

"O-okay!!..." Jungkook said not meeting eyes with Taehyung. He expeditiously made his way to parking lot.  He couldn't stop blushing. He quickly got inside the car and took a deep sighed.

Taehyung's effect is too much on me. I am all red. Jungkook thought looking at rear view mirror.

He saw a paper bag in backseat. He remembered that he packed Yoongi's hoodie in it.

I was absent for one day and Yoongi hyung made Jimin hyung wear his cloth. Jungkook thought as he frowned.

He went to find Yoongi to return his hoodie.


Taehyung, Army and Hoseok were together at backyard of University.

"You did it on purpose didn't you?"

"It was accident hyung."

"I saw when Jimin came, you purposely put your feet on his way."

"I see. You don't want to help me now."

"Please Hoseok oppa! Help him. He will lose his love." Army supported Taehyung.

"Army!....I can't do this act anymore.  I did everything because you forced me. Jimin and Jungkook are dating now. They are happy together."

"He doesn't deserve Jungkook!" Taehyung gritted his teeth.

"Wow!....what a drama you all have created!!......How can you all play games with Jungkook?"Jimin appeared between their conversation. Their faces changed colour.

"Jimin we are ju___"

"Army!... please I don't want to be mad at you."

"Jimin let me explain___"

"You don't have to Hoseok hyung. I heard everything."

Jimin turned to Taehyung.

"And you Taehyung...... Didn't you say you love him?...The day you broke up with him he didn't sleep, didn't eat, he didn't move from his place. All he did was flowing tears for you. And the day you announced you and Hoseok hyung are together. He was starve himself for two days. If I didn't force him, he would starve himself more. You proposed him even though I told you I like him. I bear seeing you two together because I thought you like him like I do. I thought you can make him happy. He loves you so much. And return you_____."

"Are you finished Jimin?.... Now let me talk ." Taehyung grabbed Jimin's arms aggressively, glaring at him.

"I broke up with Jungkook because of you. I hurt him because of you. I acted because of you. Because I hate you. All because of you. You listen that!.."

🍁Love Breeze🍁 (Jikook/Yoonmin)Where stories live. Discover now