Chapter Fifteen: Mean Girls At Shows

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Today is finally the day of the New Castle Showjumping Cup. Everyone's hard work could either pay off in the arena or it could all be for nothing. Especially for Virgo and I. 

This March morning is windless and calm but no sun shines above me while I walk to the stables. Nerves buzz over my body and I can't make them stop. My heart is beating so intensely the horses in surrounding paddocks can probably hear it. Outside the stable, grooms bustle in between trucks and floats, and every shaped car, all bearing the SEC logo. I try and steer clear of the poor grooms-they have a lot to do today and don't need a clumsy rider in their way-and walk straight into the stable.

It freaks me out how busy inside is. People leading horses in my direction. Their faces serious and frozen. From everything Lily has told me, this show is a huge deal and hundreds maybe even thousands of people enter. That didn't fill me with confidence.

With my head down I march right to the end of the stable to Virgo's stall. I unhook his halter from the stall door and walk straight in. Virgo's bottom lip is loosely hanging and his ears are completely relaxed.

"Wake up, buddy," I laugh, slipping the halter over his ears,"today is an important day. No room for sleeping."

I swing the stable door open and lead him out. I'm almost as slow and tired as he is at five-thirty in the morning. A blue, cotton rug is strapped over Virgo's body, the same one I put on last night after I gave him the longest bath. His dark brown coat is spotless, his mane is trimmed and his body is as muscular and slim as ever with all our extensive SEC training. My boy is ready.

"Maddie!" squeals a voice down the aisle.

I look up. Sarah is walking towards me, Jupiter loping behind her. His grey coat shines and there isn't a spot of brown in his mane or tail.

"Hey!" I cheer, giving her a big squeeze.

"Ready for your first show with us?" Sarah asks.

I let go of her. "Absolutely not but we'll try our best."

Sarah reaches out a hand and gives Virgo's snout a rub which he appreciates. Her hair is plaited down her back, completely off her tanned face. Like me, she is dressed in a baggy T-shirt and oversized tracky pants for protection.

"Come on let's put the horses on the truck-Virgo and Jupiter are next to each other. Then we have to snag a good spot on the bus," Sarah smiles. 

Shoulder to shoulder, Sarah and I lead the horses towards the stable exit. We make a quick stop at the tack room where I pick up Virgo's navy float boots and strap them to his legs. The morning sky is still a dark blue with no sign of the warm sun. 

Suddenly I spy Georgia and Sophie. Sophie is dressed in covered-up show clothes and her hair is in a long ponytail. Georgia, on the other hand, has her hair pulled up high and is dressed in plain jeans but something new is that her foot is in a boot. She walks awkwardly with a pair of crutches and I almost feel bad for her. She must have really hurt her foot if she can't ride today. They're too far away to hear what they're saying but I can make out Sophie trying to console her mean friend.

"Miss Maddie! Miss Sarah," calls Justin's voice from behind us.

No, no, no, go away!

"Hey Justin," greets Sarah.

I grip Virgo's lead rope tighter, hoping it will make a hole appear and swallow Justin. It doesn't. He stops just in front of us with a sigh, like he hasn't been able to breathe all morning. "I can take your horses away if you like."

I'm sure you can, I think, nearly blurting it out in Justin's face. No one knows about my suspicions of him but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. 

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