Chapter Eleven: Who's Going To Compete?

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|If this chapter is formatted a bit differently it's because I wrote it on my phone :)|

The late February sun is beating down hard and fast on today's afternoon lesson while Antonio barks orders at us. Virgo and I are settling into SEC and its routines after two weeks. Every ride we have is intense training for the show coming up.
"Maddie! Close those fingers around the reins," shouts Antonio.
I tighten the strength of my fingers around my reins while Virgo and I line up straight towards the meter ten vertical. Virgo's ears point at the jump and at the right moment he lifts into the air, tucking his legs under him. I close my calves around his sides so they don't swing back and lift myself up into two-point position. My heart races as my horse and I fly like there is nothing else that matters.
Virgo lands on the other side and canters a few strides before transitioning to walk.
"Good lad!" I tell him, scratching Virgo's glossy neck.
We walk back to the group at the other end of the arena.
"Nice round, Maddie," Antonio says.
I smile from under my helmet as I halt Virgo next to Bishop on Rosie.
Quickly I lock eyes with Georgia. Her face is pulled into a mean snarl but I just smile. I know how it makes her annoyed when I do well when riding. It's quite funny really. She rolls her eyes and Sarah and I just look at each other, trying not to laugh.
"You have all been working hard and I know that in three weeks you guys will be ready to bring home some ribbons," Antonio cheers.
We all give a whoop except Georgia and Sophie who both look like they sucked a lemon. I take a look at the rest of the team and think of Alex, who of course isn't here.
Ever since our fight in the tack room he has treated me like air. We haven't spoken a word to each other and if I ever try to slightly interact with him he will turn his back on me. Alex has only ridden with the Junior Competition Team twice in the last couple of weeks and I just hope it isn't because of me.
"Cool off your horses everyone and enjoy the rest of the afternoon. Maddie could you stay behind though?" asks Antonio, before turning around to write things in his folder.
My heart sinks. Did Alex finally tell him about me throwing a bridle in his face? That will surely get me kicked off the team.
"We'll meet you soon," Sarah tells me.
I nod and watch Sarah, Bishop, and Jasper leave on their horses.
"Hmm, maybe Antonio has finally come to his senses and will replace you with someone more... worthy," Georgia says in a snarky tone.
I scoff. Georgia walks Aviation up to Virgo and Sophie follows behind on Liberty.
"If I'm not worthy of being on this team then what are you?" I ask, folding my arms.
Georgia rolls her eyes. "Maddie I need this team to be in peak condition and if that means cutting the waste of space then so be it."
"Last time I checked your not the boss, Georgia. Antonio is and I think you're just bossy," I reply.
Sadly, I have made an enemy on the team. Her black-haired highness is Georgia Bull. Ever since I stood up for Bishop and Sarah, Sophie and she have tried to drive me out of SEC. They need to try a lot harder though if they want me gone.
"You'll be out of here soon, Maddie. You can hardly keep up with us," Georgia laughs.
Sophie joins in with her giggles and I just block it out.
"Come on Sophie!" calls Georgia.
Aviation tries to give Virgo a bite on the neck, which makes Virgo take a few steps back. Georgia rides him to the outdoor arena gate.
I try to ignore what they say but she has a point. I'm trying to hold my own here at SEC but it seems like each lesson something goes wrong for Virgo and me. We seem to get the most corrections from Antonio and make the most basic mistakes while riding. If Antonio asks me off the team, I don't know what I'll do.
"So Maddie," Antonio claps his hands together.
Oh no, here it comes!
"I promised to watch Alex ride in the other arena since he is riding Diesel, that new horse that has come for training. Something else has come up though so I was wondering if you would watch him ride? Alex can handle Diesel but he does buck and has other problems so just in case something bad happens I want someone there," Antonio tells me.
Having to watch Alex ride and interact with him? I'd rather be taken off the team. There is no way, I can't face him.
"I wanted to ask you Maddie because the Senior Competition Team is cleaning tack as a team and I trust you a lot," adds Antonio.
Does Antonio trust me? Antonio Bruno? My hero? I'll take that no back if it shows Antonio he is right in trusting me.
"Of course I will," I say.
"Thank you so much. I'll have a groom cool down Virgo for you so you can go straight to him," smiles Antonio before he walks out of the outdoor arena.
I lean down onto Virgo's next and scratch behind his ear. "Wish me luck, chocolate head."

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