Chapter Twenty-Seven: Admit it

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Time is weird. Isn't it?

Sometimes it is the slowest thing in the world. Other times it is fast than light. Now, I'm not sure how I feel about time. I am trapped in a weird state where time is flying by quicker than it is meant to but I also feel like I'm stuck in the same moment.

Replaying it over and over in my mind. If I could time travel I could. I want to go back to before Virgo was taken. 

I want to stop my emotions. I want to stop the events. I want to stop this feeling of pure, gutless sorrow drowning me. I want to the world around me.

Most importantly I want to stop time.

Time works in mysterious ways.

I was dancing with Alex at eight-thirty. Then everything was a blur and suddenly it was nine-eighteen. 

When I had woken up, my head was pounding. I swore I had woken up from a nightmare and that everything wasn't real. My horse hadn't really been taken from me. That I was back up at the clubhouse and nothing was amiss.

I soon realized a blanket was wrapped over my legs and I wasn't in my bed at all. Instead, I was laying on the couch in Antonio's office with Ella's green dress still on and the clock showing nine-18.

I had just been sucked back into the nightmare.

A knock came from the door and in walked Alex.

"Good you're awake," he said. "I was coming to get you anyway."

I lump formed in my throat and I just brought my knees to my chest.

I didn't want to talk to him.

I didn't want to talk to anyone.

"What's happening?" I asked.

Alex approached the coach and tears just ran down my face uncontrollably. 

"W-what's going on?" I had blubbered.

Alex crouched before me. "The police are here."

"Did they find anything? Have they brought him back?" I gushed.

There was still hope in my heart. What if the thieves hadn't gotten away quick enough. What if they had brought Virgo home?

Alex didn't reply though and just hung his head. The feeling of my heart breaking in two was brutal and my whole body had started to shake.

I started wailing and sobbing in my hands.

"He's gone!" I wept. 

"Hey!" voiced Alex. "Don't say that we are going to get him back. It will be okay."

I felt Alex pull me into his chest and I grabbed a fist full of his shirt.

"Where is he? Where's my boy!" I grieved. Tears continued to stream down my face and pool onto Alex's shoulder. 

"Where are you, Virgo? Who took you? Please! Please come home," I continud to sob.

Alex stroked my shoulder as I continued to bawl and howl.

Now it is ten-thirty. I had answered the police's questions and so had everyone else but their statements weren't like mine. They didn't have a lone name scribbled all over them.


I had finally had told everyone the truth. I had handed in the video of Justin taking the sedatives. Told them all about the hoodie and the cut on his hand. The police believed me. The truth was out there.

Justin is a horse thief.

Alex and I stand outside of Antonio's office. The police, Justin and Antonio were in there. The two of us were told to join them but my legs feel like Jelly and I can barely process anything going on around me.

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