Chapter Thirty-Five: A New Chapter

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Justin leads the way out of Antonio's office and nerves prickle at my neck. Virgo has to be here by now! I exit the stable, the sun slightly blinding me, hoping to see the truck bringing Virgo.

But out the front, I spy three adults. Antonio with a man and a woman. They seem to be in a deep conversation. The sound of my footsteps causes Antonio to look up and greet me.

"Ah, Maddie. I was just talking to your-"

"Dad?" I shriek.

My father pops his head around Antonio's shoulder and gives me a big smile. "Madison!"

I can't believe it! He is actually here!

I run up to him as quickly as I can and with all his strength, Dad lifts me off the ground in one of his great bear hugs. Oh, how I've missed those. How I've missed him.

"I've missed you so much. I'm so glad you are safe," he whispers in my ear.

His voice is familiar and refreshing all at the same time. He puts me down but I don't let go. I've missed him more than anything from back home. 

"I'm so happy you are here!" I shout. 

Dad smiles at me, dressed in his usual attire of a Hawaiian shirt with ripped jeans. I hand is placed on my shoulder which distracts me from my reunion with Dad. My eyeballs almost fall out of my head when I see it is Mum.

She actually came.

My mouth hangs open and all I can do is look between her and my dad. 

"Umm-how-what?" I stammer, not being able to find the right words. "Why are you guys here?"

"To see you of course," Mum smiles, grabbing my shoulders.

I'd never thought I'd see her again in person. She's still the same on the outside-lips plump and red, dark brown hair hanging in a short ponytail and all her usual rings on her fingers. My shoulders burn under her touch.

Mum starts to lightly touch my cheeks and my hair like she is looking over me to make sure I'm the real Madison. Maybe I am mistaken but are there tears in her eyes?

"We jumped on the first plane to get here as soon as Antonio called about the news," she explains. "We are just-I'm just so glad you are okay."

The wind is knocked out of me slightly at the force of Mum's hug. I don't return it though. It's too raw in me, all the emotion and heartache she has caused me. I can't get my hopes up on her wanting to rebuild our relationship. I've done that before and all that ends up happening is me getting hurt. 

But also I can't ignore the feeling of happiness welling in me that she actually came.

"Sweetheart," Dad voices.

He can probably feel that this hug has gone on for way too long as well.

"Right," Mum sniffles, pulling away from me. "I'm just so glad you are safe."


I look over my mother and see in the distance, Sarah and Bishop. I smile at the sight of them.

"My friends are here," I start. "I have to see them."

Mum looks behind her then back at me. "You've made friends?"

If it was any other day with different circumstances I would have said something about how if she really cared about me she would have known that. But I don't.

"Yeah," I nod.

I run past my mother, leaving behind Antonio and my parents to go see my friends. 

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