Chapter Thirty: The Show of Secrets

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It's show day at SEC. Antonio is trying to get us to move forward and leave the past behind us but I don't want to. I want to get Virgo back and I want to get the rest of the horses safe. But I can't stop us from attending this show.

Antonio has already made up his mind.

"Are you sure you still want to come with us?" Sarah asks me, adjusting her ponytail in the mirror.

I continue to play with the corner of her yellow doona. "Yes. I'll be fine."

"Mrs. Ramirez said that she would look after you while we all went."

I groan. "I don't need to be looked after. I promise."

Sarah turns to face me, pulling track pants over her clean show clothes. "If you say so."

She offers her hands out to me and limply I grab onto her so she can pull me up. Sarah wraps me in a hug and I laugh. 

"I'm going to be okay Sarah," I mumble.

"I know. I just hope we get your horse back soon," Sarah sighs.

I close my eyes. "So do I."


Glimmer's green lead rope is held tight in my grip as I lead her off the trailer. She's a sweet mare that keeps nuzzling my pockets for treats. I stroke her chestnut mane and she reminds me so much of Virgo. My heart still aches for him.

"Let's get you settled in," I murmur to Glimmer, trying to settle my emotions. 

Together we stroll through the busy show grounds. Sydney Winter Classic is even busier than the show up in Newcastle. I'm not used to big qualifying shows like this. It's one of the shows the states hold to score and see who will compete on their teams for the Australian Jumping Championships. 

Alex is one of the people trying for the Young Riders Team. Will, Lily, and Cassie are all also trying to get a spot.

Glimmer's stall is right between Romeo and Liberty. 

"There you go, Glims," I smile while I unclip Glimmer's halter and release her into the stall.

I watch as she goes straight to her hay bag to eat.

"How's our new groom going?"

I turn away from Glimmer and see Jess is on her way up to me.

I pretend to smile happily. "Oh, I'm okay."

"Upset, you're not a part of the action today?" Jess jokes.

I lean my forearms against Glimmer's stall. "I mean yes. I want my horse back."

"Yeah, of course," Jess shrugs. "But I'm sure you will get him back."

I laugh. "Don't say that if you don't mean it."

Jess puts a hand on my shoulder. "I do Maddie. You're the thief fighter. I mean you chased that thief at the last show with Sophie. You seriously must have made them puff since you made them jump over a stone wall."

I truly laugh at her comment this time.

"Yeah, you are probably right."

Jess gives me another warm smile. "Well, I should go get some of the kids ready. Just try to enjoy yourself."

"I'll try," I shrug.

As Jess leaves my side I realize I do need to try and enjoy myself. It's what Virgo would have wanted. I leave Glimmer and the other horses and jog down to where my friends are sitting but floats and trucks. 

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