Chapter 20 ~ my mission

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Ready to comply." I robotically replied as I rose to my feet.

The blonde haired boy nodded to me, evidently pleased that I was now ready to serve Hydra's wishes. We both remained quiet as we waited for the elevator to stop. It came to an abrupt halt signaling it was our time to exit.

I followed the boy out of the elevator and into large room that looked like it was some sort of a control center. The walls and floors were a bright white. The walls were covered with flat screen TVs that were live-streaming the entire facility. I nodded slowly, impressed with the security system. No one could get down here without being seen.

The blonde haired boy walked towards a man and a woman who were hovered over a laptop in the corner. Completely uninterested in whatever they were discussing, I began to survey a global map that was hanging on one of the walls. It was littered with black and red dots. Most of the dots were black, however, our location was red, as was a small town in Scarr, North Dakota. I froze upon seeing the name of town highlighted; that name almost sounded familiar, but I didn't know why. It was important; I knew that much.

"Ah, my dear girl."

I reluctantly turned when I heard a female voice addressing me. I turned to see a woman with red hair and blue eyes approaching me. I knew her, but I didn't know how. Why did I suddenly not remember anything? I quickly bit my lip to force myself to appear calm.

"Come Kobik." She motioned me to come over to her.

I quickly obeyed her command. I stopped in front of her as she began to look me over.

"You are so much taller than the last time I saw you." She happily gushed. "I am sorry I had to put you under my dear, but time was running out, and I didn't believe you would come willingly." She paused. "I do know how to hate it when I use your codes." She shook her head sadly. "Oh well, it couldn't be helped I suppose."

I remained silent as she continued to survey me.

"I heard you made quite a name for yourself while I was gone." She continued. "Imagine my surprise coming back after five years only to learn that my little Kobik had donned the identity of the Nightingale and had taken up the company of a group of petty thieves." She sadly shook her head. "You had so much potential and yet you chose to waste it."

She paused as she continued to survey me. "Well, I know your observational skills aren't as good as they used to be. But I am curious, show me your shooting skills."

I reached for the gun I had stuffed in the waistband of my leggings earlier and quickly aimed at one of the tv screens on the opposite wall. Without thinking, I pressed the trigger and began to shoot at all the screens creating a spray of glass that flew across the room.

"Hey!" The man shouted as he rushed over to me and shoved the gun down. "What are you thinking?" He exclaimed as he turned to yell at the woman who had given the order. "She just took out the screens showing this side of the warehouse!"

I turned to stare at the woman, completely unsure of what I'd done that was so wrong.

"Relax, Jonas." She shook her head. "No one would dare make an attempt on us as long as our dear Kobik is here."

He angrily glared at both of us. "I don't like this." He hissed. "This is my life's work, and I don't want them involved in this." He pointed to one of the screens.

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