Chapter 7 ~ the purple flamingo

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As I followed Lily towards the Purple Flamingo, a number of questions began to rage through my head. Why was I trusting a girl I'd just met? Why was she even helping me? Why did I feel so weird about that kiss? And why is this house called the Purple Flamingo?

"Here we are!" Lily's cheerful voice broke through my thoughts.

It was a red brick house in the middle of Brooklyn. It actually looked nice, and nothing about it would remind anyone of the color purple or of flamingos.

Lily pulled a ring of keys out of her backpack and began trying the different options until she finally found one that fit.

"How many keys do you have?"

She shrugged. "Too many. I can't remember which ones I don't need anymore." She let out a groan when the key she was trying didn't work. "Hold this."
She ordered, passing me the massive pile of keys. She began to sort through her backpack, finally finding a small metal object.

"What are you doing?" I questioned as I saw her insert the object into the lock.

"Picking the lock."  She bit her lip as she attempted to get the door to open. Finally, the lock clicked and she opened the door. "See." She said with a smile. "I've still got it."

I shook my head at her as I followed her inside. I tried to hand her back the keys, but she blew me off.
"Stop trying to hand me things." She exclaimed as she slammed the door shut behind us.

"You literally just gave them to me." I started to argue.

"Just drop them in my backpack." She shouted as she dropped it on the floor and headed further into the house.

"Wait." I shouted as I dropped the keys on her backpack. "Where are you going?"

A muffled response of "Kitchen" floated back into the living room where I was now standing.

I began fumbling with turning on some lamps while I waited for her to return. Hopefully, she would bring back some food because I was starving.

A knocking sound came from the front door, I instinctively jumped back. No one could have found us this quickly, but then again with my luck it wouldn't totally have surprised me.

Lily appeared from the kitchen seconds later. She glanced out the peephole in the door, and instantly smiled. "It's cool." She called out to me as she swung the door open.

"How did you know we were here?" She abruptly questioned as a blonde-haired boy around our age walked through the door.

"Lissie texted me and told me to meet you over here." He paused. "I brought tacos." He held up a brown paper bag.

"Fine. I guess you can stay." Lily groaned as she headed back towards the kitchen.

"I bet I could eat all of those." I groaned as I reached toward the bag of tacos that had been dropped on the coffee table.

"Don't say that." The new boy said. "Never get into a bet with her."


"A few years ago, I bet her that she couldn't lick her elbow. I mean it's a known fact that it's impossible for humans to do." He paused. "She popped her arm out of socket and did it."

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