Chapter 37 ~ sisters

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Babysitting. Why would anyone in their right mind ever want to willingly give me this responsibility? I can barely take care of myself, let alone another human. Let's face it, I consider chocolate to be a vegetable. After all, it indirectly comes from beans.

However, after quite a bit of pleading on Tony's part (and the promise of a hefty payout), it was amazing how quickly I managed to have a change of heart. I'm just turning into a huge softie.

After another long day of sorting through files with Riri at the old Stark Mansion, I was incredibly thankful to be back in Malibu. Happy had warned me that Tony had an important guest and that I needed to be on my "best" behavior. However, that warning was forgotten within three seconds of exiting the car.

I cheerfully bounded through the front door only to find Tony deeply engrossed in a conversation with a man in a red cape. Seriously. What is up with everyone and their Comic Con costumes?

I paused for a moment, but when neither of them acknowledged my presence, all caution on my part was tossed out the window. "Well, well, well." I sarcastically began. "If it isn't the awesome facial hair bros." I plopped down on the couch and pulled a strand of my hair across my face to mimic a mustache. "You should start a club."

"Ah." Tony puckered his face. "This is my newest intern." He motioned over to me. "She's working in the sass department."

"Can't imagine why." The cloaked man muttered under his breath. "I'm Doctor Stephen Strange." He politely began. "And yes, that is my real name."

"Ok?" I gazed quizzically back at him. "Is this like a common misconception or something?"

"It has proven to be quite challenging for some previous interns." He stoically replied. "As I was saying." He turned to focus his attention back on Tony.  "The most logical explanation is that someone opened a portal from the Battle of New York and brought you here to the present."

"Creating another timeline." Tony finished. I leaned back and continued to watch the two debate.

"Yes." Strange sighed. "But this theory is not without flaws. It would have required someone to have rebuilt the time machine and created Pym particles."

"That's impossible." Tony abruptly exclaimed. He then paused and glanced over at me. "Hey Lil." He quickly began. "Is there anything I need to know?"

"I didn't do it." I held both my hands up. "Believe me, if I had a time machine, I wouldn't be sitting here right now." Honestly, it was probably a good thing I didn't have a time machine. I would use it for the greater good for all of about five minutes before then using it for my own personal gain. Let's be honest, I would probably use it to meet my biggest hero, the inventor of potato chips; that guy was a legend. Saving Stark, wouldn't have made the list.

"None of my contacts have said anything about a time machine." I shrugged as I made eye contact with him. "Your biggest competitors also happen to have enormous egos and wouldn't have kept quiet about something like this."

Tony nodded, evidently convinced with my answer. "Any other explanations?" He turned back to focus on Strange.

"Someone has the infinity stones." He quietly answered. Both men's faces instantly darkened.

While the concept of the infinity stones still seemed somewhat far fetched to me, I had to admit it was a threat worth considering. But then again, if someone had used them to bring Tony back, wouldn't that mean they were one of the good guys?

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