Chapter 14 ~ betrayed

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I woke up with a start. As I opened my eyes, I could instantly tell something wasn't right. A sick feeling overwhelmed me as I recognized the cold brick walls of the Hydra facility in Romania. "No." I whispered as a wave of nausea swept over me. I slid off the old mattress I had been lying on and prepared to face whatever was coming.

Strangely enough, the door to the cell I was being held in was unlocked. I hesitated for a second; part of me knew this had to be a trap, but the other part of me refused to stay in a cell again. I shoved the door open and rushed out. The sound of a tv playing drifted down the hallway. I headed towards the noise, noting it came from the offices. I followed the sound to find Lissie sitting in a bright purple beanbag chair. She was eating a bag of Doritos and watching Psych in what looked like her living room.

"Hey!" She turned to great me. "Did you get the food? I hope you got extra egg rolls because I'm starving." She smiled as she then turned back to watch the tv.

"We need to go." I slowly said as I continued to stare at her.

"Why?" She looked at me, confusion washing over her face.

"This is a Hydra facility. We need to go before they get back."

She scoffed. "This is New York. Besides, Hydra was destroyed years ago."

"No!" I exclaimed. "They're back and they're after me."

"Why would they want you?" She questioned.

"Because." I paused. "I'm the missing key." She continued to stare at me in complete confusion. I began to tremble, not knowing how to explain what I knew deep down to be true. "We need to go." I again repeated.

"Lily." A voice softly called. I glanced around trying to find the voice. After not seeing anyone, I decided I must just be imagining it.

"Lissie, we need to go." I again repeated. This time fear began to fill my voice. I didn't know what was going on; none of this made any sense, unless they were in my head again. I bit my lip as I began to pray that they weren't.

"Ok. Ok." She said as a hint of annoyance began to creep into her voice. "I just want to find out who the murderer is." She motioned back to the television.

I glanced at the tv. "The butler did it. Now can we please go?"

"Ok." She finally agreed. Satisfied that she was finally listening to me, I headed to the door; my senses were now on high alert for any activity.

"Going somewhere?" A deep voice asked. I glanced up to see a male figure blocking our only exit. "Hello, Princess." Garrett. This was impossible my mind began to scream. He was dead. A few seconds later, Brock Rumlow, who should also be dead, appeared behind him.

"You're both supposed to be dead." I exclaimed as I began to back away.

"Missed you too!" Garrett joked as he walked into the room. I helplessly stood there, knowing he could stop any plans I had by just uttering a few little words. He turned to stare at Lissie who was now standing quietly behind me. "I see our little Nightingale has brought a friend." He shrugged. "Pity, I don't have a need for a petty art thief."

"No!" I shrieked as I saw him pull a gun out and aim it at Lissie. I felt someone grab me; I glanced back to see Rumlow holding me back. "Please don't do this." I began to beg.

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