Chapter 28 ~ legacy

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"Would you like to add on any appetizers?" The blonde haired waitress asked as she leaned forward and began to play with her hair all while keeping her gaze focused on Bucky.

I rolled my eyes as I saw him beginning to turn bright red. Unbelievable. The dude had better luck with one arm then most guys had with two, and right now he seriously was only going around with one arm.

Apparently, I can't be trusted to so much as go to a pizzeria without skipping town. In spite of my protesting, Bucky decided that he would escort me to wherever I wanted to go. However, a metal arm isn't exactly commonplace in a beach resort town. So now he was masquerading around with one arm, a baseball cap, and a touristy T-shirt. Honestly, he looked like every other sightseer that was traipsing about the island.

"What would you suggest?" Bucky leaned forward as well as he began to flirt. It was sickening, absolutely sickening.

"Well." She slowly began. "Our Cheese Bread is very popular."

"That's not the only thing that's suddenly popular." I muttered under my breath as another waitress began to make googly eyes at Bucky. I held back a groan as the blonde slipped him her phone number. She waved goodbye as she bitterly began to help a couple teenage girls with their order.

"Wow." I sarcastically muttered as Bucky turned to face me. "I'm speechless."

"What?" He innocently glanced over at me as he pretended that he was completely oblivious to what I was talking about.

"I'm just trying to imagine how big of a player you were with both arms." I smiled as I crossed my arms.

"I remember you being so much more agreeable under the mind control." He joked.

"Right back atcha Snowflake." I joked as I blew the straw wrapper at him. Direct hit.

He smirked as he brushed the wrapper out of his face. "So you're what sixteen?"

"I guess." I shrugged. "It's not like I know when my birthday was, and the whole deep freeze thing really did put a damper on things." I paused. "You're like what? 100?"

"Sixteen." Bucky shook his head as he continued to ignore me.

"What about it?" I questioned as I began to play with my hair.

"I did a lot of things when I was sixteen." His face paled as he reflected on that thought. "I was looking over past camera feed from New York and I saw you and Parker at subway station."

"Oh yeah?" My eyes barely rose. Where was he going with this? Oh fudge.

"Was he your uh first?" He glanced away as he began to awkwardly clear his throat.

"First kiss?" I smirked. "No way."

"No?" Bucky paled a little as he again returned his focus to me.

"The first was Bentley."


"Yeah. He was tall, dark, and handsome." I smirked as I glanced around the Pizzeria. Bentley had been my neighbor's overly friendly chocolate lab, but I really felt no need to enlighten Buck on this minute detail anytime soon.

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