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Lily tiptoed down the dark cement staircase towards the sublevels of the Hydra base. While she had been given almost free reign of the upper levels, the lower levels had been completely forbidden, which naturally had increased her curiosity all the more. After all, Buckaroo got to go downstairs, so why couldn't she?

She tossed her pigtails back behind her head. She glanced unhappily down at her now black hair. Her stupid new handler had made her dye it. She had said something about it helping her on the upcoming mission.

They hadn't told her much about the mission, but she had gotten the impression that it was very big. Maybe they were going to someplace fun like Disney World?

But it was Hydra, they weren't exactly known for being the most fun organization in the world. It was always power, power, power. Lily rolled her eyes; she would much rather spend her days plotting how to take over a zoo than how to take over S.H.I.E.L.D. As far as she was concerned, both covert organizations were innately boring. At least she could play with animals if they took over a zoo. It didn't even have to be a big zoo, a farm would make her happy.

She sighed as she reached the landing. She glanced up at the security cameras that were nearby. She was still out of their range, the dilemma would be opening the door without appearing on camera. She glanced around hoping she could find another entrance. That was what Mr. Rumlow had taught her-always look for a back door, or in this case, an air vent.

A small smirk spread across her face and instantly vanished as she catapulted herself up towards the vent. Within seconds, she had opened the vent and had slipped inside. It was the perfect mode of transportation for the five year old. While most of the larger air shafts were lined with lasers to prevent any unwanted guests, no one had thought to add that feature this shaft. After all, it was too small for any regular agent to fit.

Lily smirked as she began to crawl into the darkness. She only paused once to ponder if there were any creepy bugs lurking in the shadows. However, she quickly forgot her fear when she heard the muffled sound of a man talking.

Maybe it was Buckaroo, he had gone downstairs a few weeks ago, and she hadn't seen him since. It was so strange, every time he went downstairs, he came back so confused. She had asked him about it several times, and each time a vacant expression would appear on his face.

She slowly continued to crawl forward towards the drifting beams of light that were filtering into the vent. She glanced down through the air vent to see a strange looking metal chair. Her eyes strained as she made out a thin man who was strapped down. His face and arms were covered with dark bruises. He must be one of the bad men that Mr. Garrett had warned her about. But this man, he looked almost familiar.

"I will not comply." The man frantically murmured. "I will not comply!"

Black hair and brown eyes. "Grant?" Her voice was barely a whisper as she peered down at the man she use to know. She hadn't seen him in what felt like forever. Had he been downstairs the whole time? If so, it was really strange that he hadn't come to see her. The least he could have done was make time to come play a game of Battleship.

"I will not comply." He continued to mutter.

Lily held back a gasp as she realized that he hadn't heard her. Maybe he was sick or hurt? She frantically glanced around the room below her to ensure there were no unwanted agents around. After deeming the room was clear, she loosened the vent cover. She glanced around the white room once more before she let herself silently drop to the ground.

Nightingale |  An Avengers TaleOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora