Chapter 9

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Will woke up to the sound of her colleague, Matthew, screaming in his ear saying, "Wake up, you over grown pigeon!" Although Alex had given Will his own room in the west wing of the castle, where the royal family lived, Mattew would always come in, shake him by his shoulders or scream in his ears when he woke up late.

"I'm up. I'm up." Will threw his legs over the side of the bed and got into a sitting position. "Uh, what time is it?" He asked, his eyes still closed.

"It's 8.30!" Mattew hissed. "You were supposed to go with the king to the press by eight o'clock!"

Will, who had been something down his bed head, threw open his eyes and stared at Mattew. "E-eight th-thirty?" He stammered. Alex will be furious. He was sapoused to go with Alex to the press. He was sapoused to be Alex' bodyguard. And he failed. "Matt, did Alex leave?" He claspped his hands over his mouth. He had just called Alex by his nickname. No one else the palace called Alex that but himself and Alex' brother. Ugh! He's so dead today.

"Alex? Alex?!" Matt snapped. "He is our king, Will. You can't call him 'Alex'! If he knew about it he'd have you thrown in the dungeon! Or worse. Killed!"

Yeah, like that's gonna happen. Will thought to himself and immediately regretted it. What if Alex gets bored of him and actually does throw him in jail? Or kill him? What if? "I know, Matt. It just came out if me, ya' know?" He said, trying to act natural. "Now, answer my question. Did or did not his majesty, king Alexander, leave for the press?"

Matt's gray eyes fixed on him. "His majesty left for the press and hour ago. Some what of a bodyguard you are." He moved towards the wall and leaned against it. "You get your day off yesterday and think it's valid for today too."

"I didn't think that, Matt." Will got to his feet and padded over to the attached bathroom. "I just over slept that's all."

Matt made a sound, almost a groan. "Whatever, Will. There's no point in talking with an absolute lunatic. Just-just get ready. Atleast be there for his majesty when the press conference finishes." He said.

"Well, atleats Alex -I mean his majesty- won't be that mad at me if I get there to escort him back." Will said. When there was no reply from Matt, he assumed that he had left and turned on the shower.

Alex stepped our of the limo to have a thousand mics directed at his face, cameras flashing everywhere and people screaming his name.

"Over here your majesty."

"King Alexander, look here!"

"Is it true that you're marrying princess Aria, your majesty?"

"Oh, oh, look here, your highness."

"Can you guarantee that the angels and demons shall unite after your marriage to the princess of Arazona?"

He almost felt dissy from the camera flashes. He wanted to yell at everyone to mind their own business and move along. But at the same time he didn't want to do that. All these people came here to see their king in flesh. He couldn't turn them away.

"Alright people, make way for his majesty." Said a guard and commanded the crowd away to make way for Laex to pass through. He gave Alex a bow and said, "This way, your majesty." Alex gave him a smile and started to walk though the parted crowd into the the TV station.

The big glass doors opened to reveal a podium, set on top of a stage, covered with microphones. Cameras were directed straight towards it. And their crew going through and fro to make way for Alex to get to it.

Remember, Alex. Keep your back straight and stand proud. His mother's words echoed in his head. As he got closer and closer to the stage and podium, her voice started to echo louder and louder. He still remember his mother stroking his hair while he fell asleep. Saying in her gental, angelic voice that he was special. That he was going to make a great king one day.

When his mother died-was murdered-, his whole life fell apart. Sometimes he wondered why an angel princess married someone like the shadow king. And why did the shadow king want to murder her loving wife, knowing it will make issues between the angelic world and the demonic? An issue he would have to fix.

He approached the podium and adjusted himself to face the crowd. The begillion mics were shoved in his face, camera's flashing everywhere and crew and staff of the TV station chatting annoyed him. He hated being in the spotlight. He hated being around new people. He hated having to be the main focus of a tough crowd. Especially when they were asking him about his personal life.

"Your majesty," a reporter said. "Can you tell us about your marriage with princess Aria?"

Can't these people any more nosey? It was his personal life they were talking about. Who are they to ask him to them about his marriage? Alex exhaled deeply and looked around. He saw a blond haired man with a headset and clipboard to his right. "You, the man with the clipboard." He called out. The man with the clipboard looked startled and started to glanced around. "Oh, stop looking around,"-Alex saw on his name tag that he was Nedd-"Nedd. You know it's you."

The man- Nedd, gulped and started walking towards Alex. "I-is there something wrong, y-your m-majest?"

"Infact, yes. I agreed to do this press conference because it said that I would only have to talk about how my principles. Not to talk about my personal life."

Nedd looked horrified as he looked though the papers on his clipboard. "I-I'm sorry, your h-highness, but it doesn't say anything like that h-here."

"Oh, give me that!" Alex had had enough of everything going on around him and snatched the clipboard Nedd had been holding. He flipped through the papers attached to it until he came to the contract he had signed with the press' president. He started to read through it and stopped. Fixing his eyes on a sentence. Alex was sure it said 'to talk about his majesties principals' but this copy only said, 'to talk about his majesty.'

Alex felt furious and threw the clipboard away. The crowd burst into gasps as it hit the brick wall and fell down on to a bowl of punch. Well, which the thought was a bowl of punch. Nedd tried to go after it but Alex had his hand wrapped tightly at the front of his shirt. He drew the press members closer to him. "Listen here, Nedd. You go tell your boss that Alexander left and he wasn't happy. Got it?"

"Ye-yes, y-your m-majesty." Nedd had closed his eyes and was now trying to break free of Alex' grasp.

Alex let go of Nedd and stormed out of the press office.


A/N: hey hey hey! 2021 is here!

I'm super exited for the new year. Hope this one will turn out to be a normal year where we don't have to wear masks and hug our friends without second guessing our decision.

I have to admit. 2020 was not the best, but there were some pretty fun things that happened that year. No matter how annoying and how miserable that year was, I would always miss it.

Try hard to be the best you this year. Work hard to achieve your goals. Have fun and stay safe.

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