Chapter 5

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"What about me?"

Alex had come back from meeting his dad and was standing in between Aiden and Ari with his arms crossed over his chest. Ari had been so distracted with Aiden that she had completely forgotten that Alex could have returned any second.

Alex gave Aiden a look. Not the sort of look someone would give out in jealousy or disgust, but a brotherly look that said: glad you've got things under control. Ari thought of how well mannered Alex was. He wasn't jealous of his brother for pushing back a lock his fianceé's hair and making her laugh. He didn't wear his crown to go meet his father, which Ari thought was a way of showing respect. And he was always did what his father ask him to even if he wasn't around.

Alex now turned to Ari and gave her a weak smile. "Ari, father said he wishes to speak with you. He's in the drawing room. Do you want either me or Aiden to accompany you?"

Ari quickly rose to her feet. "No need, Alex. Thank you talking to the shadow king about giving me a chance to see him in person." She gave him a smile and strode off to meet the shadow king.

"You didn't talk to him about it, did you, big brother?" Aiden said with a grin.

"Of course I didn't." Alex grinned back and sank down into the bench next to Aiden. "He was the one who wanted to talk to his 'future daughter-in-law'."

"Why did you say 'future daughter-in-law' as if it was all in his imagination?" Aiden asked. "She is going to be father's daughter-in-law."

Alex said nothing but made an annoyed sound and looked off into the distance. "Do you like Ari?" He asked, without looking at him.

Aiden had to admit. Some part of him did like Ari. And not just as a friend. But he could never tell anyone about his feelings for his brother's fianceé. "I-I...I don't know what you're talking about." He stuttered. "I mean I like A-ari as a friend, but-but..."

Aiden saw a smirk display on Alex face. "You do like her, Aiden. I saw you tuck her hair back. And the movement was passionate." He finally turned towards Aiden and gave him a small grin. "Do you want to marry her?"

Aiden was shocked at his brother's words. His older brother, asking him if he wanted to marry his fiaceé?! Aiden always thought that his brother might be out of his, but this is worse. He's gone insane. "P-pardon?"

"You heared me, little brother. Do you want to marry Ari or not?" Alex said with a weak smile. "I'm not going to mad, Aiden, I just want to know."

"B-but she's your fianceé."

Alex sighed. "Aiden, there's...there's something I need to tell you."


A/N: hey guys! I'm back with another update. Sorry about the short chapter. 😅 I promise I'll try to make the next ones longer.

Love you guys!❤

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