Chapter 10

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"Get the limo, Sebastian." Alex ordered as soon as he came out of the press office. "And hurry! I don't want to spend any more time here than I have to." He had had the worst day and was aching to get back to the castle and lay down on his bed. Not that he could ever have time to do all that now that he's king.

The limo pulled up infront of him and one of the guards by Alex' side reached out and opened a door to let Alex get in. Alex have him a thankful nod before stepping into the limo. As soon as he got in, the driver pulled the limo up from it's parking and they were off, back to the place. Alex relaxed in his seat and looked up at the sky from the open sun roof.

"Will, don't bother trying!" Mattew yelled from sitting on the stable bench.

"You can't tell me what I can and can't do, Matt!" Will yelled back from on top his horse. Balios had originally been Alex' horse. That is until Alex had given Balios to Will as a gift. Alex had given him horseback riding lessons as well but Will could never pick it up. More reasons to wonder why Alex picked him to be his bodyguard. "Balios is a good horsey. He'll take me to the press in no time."

Matt shook his head. "I don't know what's worse. You calling Balios 'horsey' or the fact that you think you can ride him to the press without falling off of it." Matt had always commented on what Will can and can't do. Enough that at a certain point Will had realised that there was no point in letting Matt in his head. So he chose to ignore most of what Mattew says at time. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Mattew. Now where's the on button to this thing?"

At that Mattew burst into laughter. "Will, you do realise it's a horse, right?" Will kept silent, only pouting. "It's a horse, Will. I doesn't have a 'on' button to it. It's a living thing!"

"I....knew that." Will said. "Just, tell me who to make it go."

Matt plopped down on to a pile of hay, crossing his arms behind his head and grinned. "Figure it out yourself."

Will sighed. "Go! Yah! Yah!" He said trying to get the horse to move. "Matt, I think this horse hates me."

"Oh, for heaven's sake. It can't understand you like that, pea-brain. Try saying giddiup. They listen to it. Maximus does." Maximus was Matt's horse. The type of horse who's to haughty. Just like his owner.

"Giddiup!" Instead of running off like a normal horse, Balios got down into a sitting position. Will sighed. "And now it's a rug."

Matt burst out laughing again. "Dude, what was his majesty thinking when he gave you that horse?" Will started to glare. "Not that you're the reason this horsey-human relationship isn't working out. The horse is like his majesty. Stubborn."

Will had to admit. Alex was stubborn. But it doesn't mean Matt can call him that. He could call Will names. Make fun of him. But he could never do those things to Alex. Not on his watch. "Watch your mouth, Mattew! I don't want-"

"It's alright, Will. Let him talk about me in which ever way he pleases."

Will could recognize that voice anywhere. Alex. He got off the horse and turned around to see Alex. "Alex- I mean, your highness. What brings you here?"

"What?!" Matt jumped up into a standing position and started to dust off hay from his armour. "Your majesty." He bowed slightly, still dusting off.

"Greetings...." Alex made the face he always does when he was trying to remember something he couldn't. Will decided to help Alex out and introduce Matt. "Your majesty, this is Mattew Gray." Alex gave him a thankful smile and turned towards Mattew. "Gray, could you give us a minute?" He said. Mattew looked at Will before nodding in agreement. "O-of course, your majesty." Matt said. He quickly gathered his things and left. Leaving Alex alone with Will.

As soon as Will heared the stable door shut close Alex turned towards him. "Did you sleep well, Will?"

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