Chapter 2

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"Will? Will!?" Alex called, pacing down the long corridor leading from the throne room to the library. "Will! Will, where are you!?"

"Looking for someone, your majesty?"

Alex looked sideways to see one of the palace butlers emerging from the drawing room. "Ah, Sebastian. In matter of fact I was. Have you seen William anywhere?"

"Oh yes, your majesty. I saw that fool heading towards the Library." Sebastian had always been unkind to Will. Mostly beacuse Alex chose him over Sebastian's son. "Probably drunk in a book by now, your highness. Should I go fetch him?"

"No need, Sebastian. I'll take care of it." Said Alex and started to pace down the corridor. "Oh and Sebastian," he looked over his shoulder and at the older Male. "Don't call Will "that fool" ever again or I will have you throw in the dungeon." He said in a cold voice and started moving towards the Library again.

Will had been in the Library for hours looking through old scrolls and books when he heard the Library's big double doors creak open. Through the open doors light filled the room and with it Alex' voice. "Will? Ah, there you are, Will"

Will immediately looked up from the book he had been reading and at the newly crowned king, who was standing on the opposite side of the table that he had been sitting on. "Enjoying your day off, I see?" Alex said and sat down on the chair right infront of Will.

He quickly got to his feet as the king sat down and cleared the pieces of paper, scrolls and books from infront of him. "I-uh, yes your majesty. Thank you for letting me take my day off at the royal library-"

"You know you don't have to be so formal, right, Will?" Alex interrupted. "Just call me Alex like you always have. And you always took your days off in the Library. Why thank me now?"

"I know, your majesty-" Alex glared at him. "-Alex, but I usually took those days off when the shadow king was well, the king. Not you. And I do recall you saying 'I band you from reading your fantasy book, Will.' "

Alex grinned. "Yeah, well, that was before I knew that you're reading old scrolls and books to find out a way to make you complete demon." He leaned back on his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Why do you want to be a demon anyway? You're already part demon."

"Being part demon also means being part angel, Alex. You know the king can't marry a hybrid and I'm, well, a hybrid." He looked down at the scrolls on his hands and sank down into the chair next to him. "If only there was some way I could turn myself into either a pure angel or a full de-"

"Is this about me and Ari?" Alex interrupted with a frown.

"I-I...yes... I thought if I could make myself a demon you wouldn't have to marry her and we could be together again." Will exhaled. "You know, your highness -Alex-, when I heared about your engagement I felt crushed. I could never be good enough for you. You're a prince. A king now. And I'm...I'm just your body guard..."

Alex reached over and laced his fingers through Will's and started to stroke Will knuckles with his thumb. "You're more than enough for me, Will. Don't ever say that you're not." Alex looked up from their interlocked hands and at Will. "Don't worry, Will. I'll find out a way to turn this around. I promise." He stood up. "Will, I promise we will be together. We will be together until the very end." He pulled Will to his feet and pressed him against the stone wall.

"A-alex we shouldn't be-" Alex cut off Will with a kiss, his hands ran up and down Will's sides.

With a soft moan Will tangled his finger into the younger's soft black hair.

"We will always be together, my William, always." Alex said into the kiss.

Will pulled away, letting go of Alex hair and cupped his face instead. "Alex, I-"

"Alex? Oh, Alex~"

"Alex? Oh, Alex~"

Alex cursed under his breath and drew away from Will. "Ye-yes, Ari?" Why was Aro here? Doesn't she know what privacy ment? But then again, this is the Library. Not the sort of place you can make out with someone.

"Alex!" Ari exclaimed, throwing herself at the king wrapping her arm around him. "Alex, why didn't you invite me to your coronation? I had the best tailor in all of Arazona make me a gown just of the occasion."

"Sorry, Ari, but there was no celebration. Just some priests, family-"

"Alex, I'm family too," Ari pouted and buried her face in Alex' chest. "Aren't I? I'm your fianceé. You should have atleast told me you were getting crowned king."

"I...I'm sorry, Ari. Yes, I should have atleast told you about it." He glanced side ways and saw Will rubbing his arm nervously and looking down. "Ari?"


"Could you give me a moment?"

The princess let go of Alex. "Umm, okay, Alex. I'll be in the Italian gardens." She gave Alex a kiss on the cheek and strode off.

"Will," He turned to the older. "Will, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Will didn't meet Alex' gaze. "You better go. Her highness awaits." He started to walk away, but Alex grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him into a hug.

"I love you, Will. Don't ever forget that." He drew away from the older and gave him a kiss. "I'll find a way to make this work, hmm?" Will gave a soft smile. "That's my boy," Alex gave him a pat on the back. "I'll let you continue your research."

He gave the older a one final smile and walked off, searching for Ari.


Hi guys! So this my 2nd update so far and I hope you guys like it. I know I'm not the best writer in the world, but I really hope you guys will cope up with me 'til I get better at this. 😊

Hell's HeavenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora