Chapter 3

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Ari was sitting on a bench infront of the fountain of the Italian garden. All the greenery around her a soothing vision of one's eyes. She watched as a bee suck the nectar from a rose when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked over to see who it was and saw Alex. "Oh, Alex, I didn't see you there." She said and shoved over, gathering her skirt to let Alex sit next to her. Ari patted the empty spot next to her. "Sit down, my king."

Alex took the request and sat down on the bench and leaned against it. "You know, Ari," he said. "I'm not your king."

"Well, yes, Alex, you're not my king now, but in a few days you will." Ari said, handing Alex a scroll. "It's the invitation, for our wedding. Your father wanted to speed things up and so did mine. The new wedding date is two weeks from now." She leaned against Alex' shoulder. "Isn't it exciting, Alex? We'll get our happily ever after."

"Y-yeah... wait, what?" Alex asked, shocked. He drew away from her and looked at her as if she had six heads. "In two weeks? Ari, this can't be serious-"

"I thought- maybe that... you'd be glad to hear that we're getting married soon..." Ari frowned. "Don't you want it to happen?"

"Of course I don't!" Ari looked up with tears in her eyes at Alex' words. "Y-you d-don't...?" Alex looked taken back, his blood-red eyes wide. "N-no, Ari, that's n-not what I ment." He said. "I-I ment that...that..." he looked around nervously. "Ah, that the cake, yeah the cake, and the rings and surely you can't be married in a normal gown. You need one specifically designed to fit a pretty little angel."

Ari's wiped her tears away. "Yeah," she began. "I guess I can't get married in any of the gowns I already own... oh, wait! I can wear mommy's wedding dress!" Enthusiasm ran through her face. "Surely we can get the rings and cake made by then too!" She said and started to giggle. "And I'm already a pretty little angel, Alex. I don't need a special gown for that."

Alex took his crown off and ran a hand through his hair. "How do you know that your mother's gown even fits you, Ari? I say we put the wedding off until everything is ready. That way-" Alex broke off. He was gazing at something behind Ari. She followed his gaze and saw prince Aiden running towards them. She silently cursed in such an unlady like manner that she herself was suprised.

Aiden reached them, almost put of breath. "B...big...big brother..." he had his hand on a tree next to a Ari, leaning hard against it, breathing hard. ", father...father...he...he's here. He wants to see you. Now."

Alex immediately rose to his feet, even more shocked than he was when Ari had told him about their sooner-than-expected marriage. "The shadow king," Alex exclaimed. "He-he's here. And he wants to see me?" He moved towards Aiden and grabbed him by his shoulders. "Aiden, Aiden Shadow, tell me this isn't one of your pranks, brother."

"It's not, big brother. I'm telling you the truth! You must go see him-"

"Can I meet him too, Aiden?" Ari interrupted. "I too wish to meet my future father in law."

The Shadow brothers' looked at each other for a long moment. It was the Alex who broke the silence. "Ari, my father- he isn't the most welcoming person-"

"Oh yeah?" Ari crossed her arms over her  chest. "Then why is he letting me marry his son?"

"You don't get it, princess," it was Aiden who spoked. Now back to his usual, non-hard breathing self. "Our father has never been around much. I've never even met him until this day. If he's here now, it is beacuse something is wrong. We'll talk with him first. Alex will talk with him first. And then... if you really want to talk to father, we will try our best to make it happen."


"Enough, Ari." Alex cut her off. "We'll make some sort of arrangement for you to meet him but it's not now." He exhaled. "Aiden, keep Ari occupied while I see what father wants."

"Wait, Alex, don't leave-" Ari began, but Aiden cut her off by clasping a hand over her mouth. "Will do, big brother." He said, and nodded. Alex nodded back and walked away, his black cape flapping as he went.

Ari tried to talk but all that came out were different sounds, "hmmmuhmm ammuhmm hmmm."

"Sorry, what was that?" Aiden said, letting his hand fall from her mouth.

"I said, "you can let go of me now"!" Ari sighed.

"Yeah, sorry about that. Let's start off again, shall we?"

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