Please come home, I can explain.

Please George.

Answer the phone.

Clay can explain and so can I. Please pick up.

I put the phone face down on the bed and walked back over to the beanbag. AJ had chosen a Jurassic Park movie, so I sat and watched contently as my phone continued to buzz with notifications.

As AJ turned the tv off after the movie ended, he turned to me.

"Hungry?" He asked, standing up.

"Not really." I had lost an appetite as the scene of Clay and Grace replayed throughout my head.

"You have to eat George. It's almost dinner time anyway. How about I order a pizza and you have to have some of it alright?"

I nodded slightly, even though I knew that I wouldn't be able to stomach anything. He pulled out his phone and ordered a pizza for us.

"My mom should be home from work soon. She gets out early on weekends. During the week she doesn't get home until late." He laid back on his bed and scrolled through his phone.

I picked up my phone to see I had over 20 missed calls from both Clay and Nick. Over 50 unread messages from both of them as well. I didn't bother to look at them and instead laid back and looked over AJ's shoulder who was scrolling through instagram.

About 20 minutes later our pizza arrived. I could barely eat a piece without feeling sick. I stomached half a piece down but couldn't finish the rest. AJ ate a few pieces before putting the leftovers in the fridge.

"Wanna go to the waterfall? It's kinda peaceful at night." I nodded and went back upstairs to put my sweatshirt and shoes on. I looked out the window to see the sun setting. "You're staying over tonight right? I'm assuming you don't want to go home so stay as long as you want." He smiled at me as he also slipped his shoes on.

"Thank you."

The front door then opened as we made our way down the stairs.

"Hey mom." He said as he walked over to her and hugged around her neck.

"Hi sweetie. Who's this?"

She had bags under her eyes as if she was exhausted. She wore blue scrubs and carried a black bag to her side. She must have been a nurse of some sort.

"Oh right, this is George. He's gonna be staying with us for a bit if that's alright."

"Of course, make yourself at home." I nodded and smiled at her as she passed us and walked up the stairs.

We walked out the front door and into the street. The orange glow of the sunset surrounded us as we walked through the woods and to the waterfall. We sat down on the rock and let our legs dangle over the rushing water.

"How are you feeling?" AJ asked.

"Honestly, kind of want to die." My heart still hurt from the betrayal I felt as I walked into that room. I never knew Clay was that type of person, he always seemed so sweet and loyal.

"I'm here for you. But can I ask a question? You don't have to answer if you don't want."

"Go for it."

"Why'd you do it? Like you know, your wrist?" I pulled my sleeve up and ran my fingers along the scars, remembering the trauma that my dad put Henry and I through.

"My dad, he mentally and physically abused my brother and I. Sometimes it was just unbearable." I stared blankly into the water below, memories of the blade cutting into my skin rushing through my mind. "It didn't make me feel better."

"Is that why you live with Clay now?"

"Yep, although i'd rather not go back now. A perfect home ruined once again." I felt emotionless as I talked, still staring into the water below.

"Once again?"

"My mom passed away back when I lived in England. She was the only one making life worth living, apart from my brother of course. Once she died I had nothing but torture from my father."

"I'm sorry man." I felt his hand on my shoulder. I pulled my sleeve back down as I lifted my head.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked.

"My dad passed away earlier in the year. It's been hard just having my mom and I. She works hard to provide for both of us. It was just so hard losing him." His head rested on my shoulder now, his beanie against the side of my neck.

We talked a bit more before getting up to leave, walking in comfortable silence. We threw our shoes off and sat in bed. I yawned as I looked at my phone to see more missed calls and messages.

"Tired?" AJ asked.

"Exhausted." From all the running and crying I had done today, I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Here." AJ said as he stood up and pulled a trendele bed out from underneath his bed. I flopped onto it and pulled a blanket over my body. As soon as my eyes closed, I was asleep.


Sunday was spent playing games, watching movies and relaxing. Clay and Nick hadn't given up on the messages and calls. At around 9pm, I checked my phone and my heart dropped. I had a missed call and three texts from Henry. I opened them and read.

George where are you, i'm getting worried.

It's been 2 days George.

Please come home.

I texted back.

I'm safe. I won't be home.

I threw my phone onto the bed and focused on the movie playing.

It was almost 3 am, and AJ and I were still awake.

"George put your shoes on and follow me." AJ said as he opened his door. I quickly put my shoes on and followed him, making sure to be quiet so I didn't wake his mom up. He opened the front door and walked into the middle of the road.

He sat at the top of the hill, looking over the houses below and the moon in the sky. I sat next to him. The stars filled the sky with the moon in the middle. I put my hands behind me and leaned on them as I admired the view in front of us. It remind me of Clay and I sitting on his roof, watching the stars together. Tears started falling as AJ looked over to me.

"You alright?" I nodded as I tried to keeps my sobs in.

"You look so broken when you cry. You deserve happiness George."

"We can be broken together."

I shook my head as I remembered the line Clay said to me on the roof. Tears fell faster.

"Clay is an idiot for cheating on an amazing person like you. You know that right?" He said as he looked back at the stars.

"You're my idiot."

I couldn't get Clay out of my head. I looked over at AJ, who looked back at me, our faces close together. I quickly looked down at his lips before looking back up into his eyes. Before I could stop myself, my body moved towards him,

Placing my lips on his.



Also just so you guys know i maniacally laugh at every mad comment🥰

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