Killer Frost

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S.T.A.R Labs, cortex

"What the hell is going on with his tracker?" I asked, looking at the screen as Barry's tracker disappeared and reappeared all over the map.

"It must be malfunctioning. It says he's appearing and reappearing all over the city at once and that's impossible. He can't be moving that fast." Cisco said as H.R twirled his drumsticks around.

"Well if he can't, maybe something else can." H.R said as the tracker stopped flickering.

"Look. It stopped, he's at the waterfront."

"Okay, we have to get to him." Iris said and I raised an eyebrow.

"And do what? I'm a few days away from giving birth, Caitlin can't use her powers, you and H.R can't fight, and there's no way Cisco can take this thing on alone." I said, running a hand through my hair.

"If I may, I have a plan." H.R said as he raised his hand.

"No no." Cisco said, shaking his head.

"Pretty good plan."

"Put your hand down."

"It's a question of numbers. Cause right now, it seems to be one against one. What if there were three against one? Do you know what I'm saying?"

"Cisco, you can open a breach and get you both to the waterfront." Iris said and I sighed.

"Do you guys listen to anything I say? I'm out of commission and Caitlin using her powers is dangerous." I said, motioning to my stomach.

"Caitlin, please."

"Okay." She said hesitantly and I sighed.

"Great." I said before Cisco opened a breach and him and Caitlin went through.

A few seconds later a second breach opened and Barry, Caitlin and Cisco all walked into the cortex.

"Oh ouch. Let's get you to the medbay, Barry." I said before we walked into the medbay.

"Barry, you're already healing. You should be fine soon. Um Cisco, the MRI I did of your brain shows changes in the capillary morphology similar to that of a mini stroke. I wouldn't try an intra-dimensional breach like that anytime soon." Caitlin said as she looked over the test results.

"Okay okay, mini stroke? You can't just gloss over that like that okay?" Cisco asked as I felt my water break. "What does that mean? Am I gonna-"

"Guys my water just broke." I said and everyone turned to me.

"Cisco, just take a few advil. Barry, off the cot. Iris, go get Frankie. Rose, come here." Caitlin said, rushing me to the cot so I could lay down while everyone rushed to do as instructed.

18 hours later

"Here he is, Rose. Completely healthy." Caitlin said as she handed me my baby boy.

I smiled down at him as tears streamed down my face. His eyes looked exactly like Leo's.

"Can we come in now?" Barry asked from outside the medbay.

"Yeah, yeah come in." I said and they all came in.

"What's his name?" Frankie asked the question she had been asking since she moved in with me.

"Leonard Daunte Ramon." I said, not looking up.

"Can I hold him?"

"Yeah, here." I said before passing him off to Frankie and sighing. "What happened with Wally?"

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